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Neanderthal Man
An important ...... (0) discovery was made in Germany in 1859. A group of (1)...... found the body of an Neanderthal man. Neanderthals lived 30.000 years ago! They vanished when our ancestors, “homo sapiens”, migrated from Africa to Europe. Originally, scientists believed that Neanderthals were a (2) ...... different species. They thought that Neanderthals were primitive cavemen who had no real (3) ...... and that they were (4) ...... to use tools or to communicate properly. However, this (5) ...... was false. Neanderthals developed (6) ...... complex tools. They had good (7) ...... skills.They cared for their sick and were respectful in their (8) ...... towards each other . So why did the Neanderthals disappear? Maybe the (9) ...... of “homo sapiens” in their territory meant that there was not enough food for them. Another (10) ..... is that the two races fought. Maybe Neanderthals were hunted and eventually destroyed by our ancestors.
| (0) discover
(1) science
(2) complete
(3) intelligent
(4) able
(5) assume
(6) surprising
(8) behave
(9) arrive
(10) possible
Ex.4. The pyramids in Egypt are one of the woners of the ancient world. Who built them? Match the sentences halves to make true statements:
Ex. 5. Revise all the texts from the texbook and have a quiz:
1) A Greek historian and geographer
2) The author of the Greek narrative epics, “the Iliad” and “the Odyssey” (both derived from oral tradition).
3) One of history’s most famous military leaders
4) A Greek geographer and astronomer
5) An Italian navigator and explorer who made four voyages to the new World.
6) A Roman historian, a public orator in Rome, wrote histories of the Roman Empire, he also wrote “A Life of Agricola” and a description of the Germanic tribes.
7) An Athenian historian. He exercised military command in the Peloponnesian War with Sparta, but was banished from Athens in 424. In his history of the Peloponnesian War he gave a detailed account of the conflict down to 411.
8) A Greek historian, philosopher and soldier. He was a disciple of Socrates. In 401 he joined a Greek mercenary army aiding the Persian prince Cyrus, and on the latter’s death took command. He wrote “A History of My Times”.
9) A Roman historian, a supporter of Julius Ceaser. He wrote vivid accounts of Catiline’s conspiracy and the Jugurthine War.
10) An English chronicler.
| a) Thucydides
b) Tacitus
c) Herodotus
d) Columbus
e) Bede
f) Alexander the Great
g) Claudius
h) Xenophon
i) Sallust
j) Homer
1) Two books of Old Testament containing geneology and history.
2) European intellectual movement that reached its high point in the 18th century. Thinkers of that movement were believers in social progress and in the liberating possibilities of rational and scientific knowledge. They were often critical of existing society and were hostile to religion, which they saw as keeping the human mind chained down by superstition. Leading representatives were Voltaire, Lessing.
3) The charter granted by King John in1215, traditionally seen as guaranteeing human rights against the exessive use of royal power.( Four original copies exist, one in Salisbury and Lincoln cathedrals and two in the British Library).
4) In English history, the period when the monarchy in the person of Charles II was re-established after the English Civil War and the fall of the Proctorate 1660.
5) Religious and political movement in the 16th century in Europe to reform the Roman Catholic church, which led to the establishment of Protestant churches.
6) Human cultures before the use of writing
7) Period and intellectual movement in European cultural history that is traditionally seen as ending the Middle Ages and beginning of modern times. This movement started in Italy in the 14th century and flourished in Western Europe until about the 17th century. The aim of education was to produce the “complete human being”.
| a) Magna Carta
b) Restoration
c) Reformation
d) Renaissance
e) Enlightenment
f) prehistory
g) Chronicles
1) Study of living cultures, using anthropological techiques like participant observation (where the anthropological lives in the society being studied) and a reliance on informnants. It has proved many data of use to archaeologists and analogies.
2) Study of prehistory and history, based on the examination of physical remains. Principal activities include preliminary field (or site) surveys, excavation (where necessary) and the classification, dating, and interpretation of finds. Since 1958 radiocarbon dating has been used to establish the age of stata and associated materials.
3) Science of dates; arrangement in order of time occurence
4) Study of humankind, which developed following 19th century; evolutionary theory to investigate the human species, past and present, physically, socially and culturally
5) Study of contemporary peoples, concentrating on their geography and culture, as distinct from their social systems. Scientists make a comparative analysis of data from different cultures to understand how cultures work and why change, with a view of deriving general principles about human society.
6) Study of fossils
7) A record of what happened in the past; the study of the past, including explanations of the events
| a) archaeology
b) ethnography
c) ethnology
d) anthropology
e) chronology
f) paleontology
g) history
Ex.6. Act as a lecturer for school-graduates. Give a lecture on:
1. Cultural Dating
2. Scientific Dating
Ex.7. Write an essay “The excavation of a site is an imprtant part of putting together the archaeological record of an area”
Unit 2