

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Study the table above and finish the following sentences without changing the meaning of the sentences printed before them.


1. He was too ill to go to school. à He was so …………

2. The weather was so nice that we could sit outside. à So ……….

3. It was such a beautiful cake that she didn't want to cut it. à The cake …….

4. She was so tired that she couldn't climb the stairs. à She was too ……….

5. It was such loud music that you couldn't hear anyone speak. à The music …..

6. The house was too small for the whole family to live in. à So ………

7. They couldn't cross the stream as it was too wide. à The stream ………

8. He was too big to sleep in the bed. à It was ………

9. Her dog was too badly-behaved for her to control. à So …………..

10. The water was too shallow for us to swim. à The water was so …………..





Clauses of Reason are introduced by as, since, seeing that/as, because (of the fact that), on account of the fact that, due to the fact that, the reason why, now (that), forand follow the rule of the sequence of tenses.


e.g. Since / As she hasn't got any money she can't go shopping.

e.g. Maybe we should throw a party, seeing that it's Dan's birthday next week.

e.g. He failed his test because she wasn't well-prepared.

e.g. I am entitled to judge this situation in particular because of the fact that it

is my son's family.

e.g. He asked for a few days off on account of the fact that he was exhausted.

e.g. That should not have happened simply due to the fact that they were


e.g. The reason why he resigned was (the fact) that he had been offered a

better job.

e.g. Now (that) they have children, they have less free time.

e.g. The citizens of Harbridge were upset, for a new factory was to be built

near their town.




1. Becauseand for can both be used to introduce a clause of reason. However, for can't be used at the beginning of a sentence or as an answer to a why-question. If used, there is always a comma before it in written speech or a pause I oral speech.

e.g. Because I didn't know how, I didn't do it.

e.g. I didn't do it because I didn't know.

e.g. I didn't do it, for I didn't know how.


2. the reason for + noun / V-ing =/= the reason why + clause

e.g. The reason for his resignation was that he had been offered a better job.

e.g. The fact that he had been offered a better job was the reason for his


e.g. The reason why he resigned was that he had been offered a better job.



3. because of / on account of / due to + noun =/= because of the fact that / on account of the fact that / due to the fact that + clause

e.g. All flights were cancelled because of / on account of the thick fog.

e.g. All flights were cancelled due to the thick fog.

e.g. He asked for a few days off because of / on account of the fact that he was exhausted.

e.g. He asked for a few days off due to the fact that he was exhausted.




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