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Упражнения. Ex.4. Ответьте на вопросы.

Ex.4. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is generally the basis of marriage in Britain?
2. What must a marriage be to be legally valid?
3. What will invalidate the marriage?
4. Can all arranged marriages be set aside?


Ex.5.Выразите согласие или несогласие с данными утверждениями и
обоснуйте свою точку зрении.


1. Now bride seizure, payment and parental arrangement are regarded
as the normal methods for deciding on marriage partners.

2. To be legally valid, a marriage must be between two single people.

3. If there is a mistake as to the identity of the other partner the marriage
would be invalid.

4. All other mistakes will also invalidate it.


В. BetweenTwo Single People

Neither party can be already married. So they must both be either
single, widowed or divorced. If one party is divorced, the final decree of
divorce must have been obtained (the decree absolute). If either is married
at the time of the ceremony the marriage will be void and the offence of
bigamy will have been committed. In fact, bigamy prosecutions are relatively rare these days because the police do not prosecute if the sole purpose was to
allow the couple to live respectably as man and wife. Only 20 per cent or so
of bigamy cases are prosecuted. Obviously if the bigamist was acting
maliciously or fraudulently then he would be prosecuted.

Problems arise when a married person separated from the other spouse
many years ago and now wishes to remarry. To avoid the risk of a bigamy
prosecution, the court should be asked to grant a decree of presumption of
death and divorce, or to grant a divorce based on years separation .

Unless such an order is obtained there is always a risk that the second
marriage will be bigamous, although there is a special defence for those
who have not heard from their spouse for at least seven years and who have
no reason to suppose that he or she is still alive. This defence, even if it
reduces the risks of a bigamy conviction, may not be enough to save the
second marriage. Almost certainly, the second, bigamous, marriage will be
nail and void, so the couple will be in the same position as if they had never
been married.



be widowed - овдоветь

decree of divorce - постановление суда о разводе
obtain - приобретать

void - делать недействительным, аннулировать
bigamy – бигамия, двоеженство
prosecution - судебное преследование
relatively - относительно
sole purpose - единственная цель
maliciously - предумышленно
fraudulent(ly) - обманный, мошеннический
spouse - супруг
grant - предоставлять
presumption - презумпция
suppose - предполагать
reduce - снижать, уменьшать
conviction - признание виновным, осуждение
null and void - потерявший законную силу



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