Tort: wrongful act that causes injury to a person or property and for which the law allows a claim under civil law, the law in the United States that governs the relationships between individuals - for example marriage contracts, or injuries. The civil law concerning torts attempts to remedy injuries suffered by individuals or corporations by forcing the party who caused the harm to compensate the victim. In contrast, criminal law governs the relationship between the government (state) and the individual and punishes a person who acts in a way considered harmful to society as a whole.
Both torts and contracts are governed by civil law, but the duty that exists between the person who commits a tort and the person injured does not result from an agreement or contract. In other words, a person does not have to form a contract with another person in order to prevent that person from assaulting him or her. Instead, society requires that individuals act in certain ways and requires them to provide compensation if they injure someone because they failed to act in the required manner.
In the 1990s lawsuits based on tort made up nearly half of all lawsuits| in the United States. Over 1.5 million tort claims are filed every year in the United States. The majority of tort cases involve automobile accidents . medical malpractice or defective products.
law of torts - деликтное право
tort - гражданское правонарушение, деликт, проступок wrongful act - проступок, правонарушение, деликтный вред cause injury - причинять вред, наносить ущерб, телесное повреждение
govern the relationships between Individuals - регулировать
отношения между частными лицами remedy Injuries - возмещение ущерба (вреда) suffer injuries - пострадать от ущерба, вреда, телесного
повреждения force - принуждать cause the harm - наносить вред compensate - компенсировать, возмещать victim - жертва punish - наказывать
who acts in a way considered harmful to society – кто действует таким образом, который считается наносящим вред обществу
commit a tort - совершать правонарушение
result from - проистекать из
form a contract - заключить контракт
assault - нападать, словесно оскорблять, угрожать физическим насилием
provide compensation - обеспечивать компенсацию in the required manner — требуемым образом lawsuit — судебный иск automobile accidents — автокатастрофы
medical malpractice - преступная небрежность врача , профессиональная некомпетентность врача defective products - некачественные товары