

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника



The existing labour codes embrace conditions of work, individual
employment relations, wages and remuneration" as well as health, safety and welfare. The conditions of work include such vital elements as working
hours, vacations and labour safety.

Besides, the activities and rights of trade unions are also regulated by
labour law. The latter also covers the issues of making, modeling and
terminating individual employment relations. Historically speaking, this kind of law used to be described as the law of master and servant. But

nowadays there are lawyers who can defend an employee from any abuse on the part of his or her boss.

It should be noted that unlike common-law countries, the civil-law ones
attach more importance to the individual contract of employment.

Generally speaking, modern managers know well enough that due to the technological progress such matters as occupational health and accident
prevention have become the categories of labour law.

Therefore, legal regulations are no longer limited to a few especially risky
occupations, for example, mining, but they cover radiation, dangerous
machinery, vibration and some other phenomena.

As to the substantive law on wages and remuneration, it incorporates such elements as forms and methods of payment, the protection of wages
against unlawful deductions and other abuses. Thus, there are legal requirements concerning the forms of wages and methods of wage payment.
In their turn, these are linked with the proper notification of wage conditions
and other related matters.



embrace - зд. охватывать
remuneration — вознаграждение
labour safety - безопасность труда
model - зд. строить, организовывать
abuse - злоупотребление
due to - благодаря

unlawful deductions - незаконные отчисления



Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is tort?

2. What is a lawsuit based on under civil law?

3. How does the civil law attempt to remedy injuries suffered by
individuals or corporation?

4. How does criminal law govern the relationship between state and

5. Does a person have to form a contract with another person in order
to prevent that person from assaulting him or her?

6. What docs society require from individuals?

7. What wrongful acts do the majority of tort cases involve in the US?
8.From which documents can the British constitutional law be


9. Can constitutional law be found in common law rules?

10. Is there a collection of conventions applied to constitutions?

11. What is administrative law concerned with?

12. Can administrative law be seen as a network of controls over the use of public powers? Prove it.

13. What does copyright protect?

14. What is the definition of copyright given by the US International Trade Commission?

15. What is the fundamental policy of copyright law?

16. How long does the copyright protection last in the US?

17. What does a copyright symbol consist of?

18. May the owner of the right seek damages for the copyright

19. Can an author apply for two copyrights for one work?

20. What does the existing labour code embrace?

21. How are the activities and rights of trade unions regulated bv labour law?

22. How did labour law use to be described, historically speaking?

23. What aspects of labour have become the categories of labour law ?

24. Are there legal requirements concerning the forms of wages and methods of wage payment?



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