АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Task 7.Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. В Великобритании существуют две ветви юридической профессии — солиситоры и барристеры. 2. Большинство солиситоров занимается частной практикой — либо самостоятельно, либо в составе юридической фирмы, являясь одним из партнеров. 3. Барристер, собирающийся практиковать, должен сначала выбрать отрасль права, в которой он собирается специализироваться. 4. Основную часть устной работы солиситора составляет интервьюирование и выдача рекомендаций. 5. Вежливость является одним из шести обязательных профессиональных качеств юриста. Под ней подразумевается не простая любезность, а уважение к достоинству каждой отдельной личности.
Keys Task l. 1. counselors 2. independent 3.inseparable 4. circumstances 5. transactional 6. legal efficacy 7. constitute 8. advise 9. property 10. agreement 11. entity 12. distribution 13. taxation laws 14. solicitors 15. opinions Task 2. Task3. l.- H 2.- J 3.- I 4.- L 5.- К 6.- В 7. - F 8. – С 9. - E 10. - A 11.-.D 12. –G
Task 4. l. - B 2. - F 3. H 4. - I 5. С 6. - G 7. - J 8. – A 9. - E 10. - D
Task 5. Students' own answers Task 6. A. 1. attended, increased 2. had worked 3. have written 4. called, was writing 5. are conducting 6. develops 7. has been working/has worked
B. 1. They complained that police work was / is very traumatic. / They complained of the police work being very traumatic. 2. His friends exclaimed that they couldn't stop him form shoplifting. 3. Fiona said that she wouldn't make a statement to the police / Fiona refused to make a statement to the police. 4. Harry admitted setting the fire to the house. / Harry said that it was him who had set the fire to the house. 5. John confessed stealing the camera. / John confessed that he had stolen the camera. 6. He requested where his family was / were at that moment. 7. The police inquired what had motivated him to commit murder. 8. He asked whether / if I had an alibi. Task 7.
(variations are possible) 1. There are two branches of legal profession in Great Britain — solicitors and barristers. 2. Most solicitors are employed in private practice, either alone or as a member of a partnership. 3. A barrister intending to practice must first choose in which part of the law he intends to specialize. 4. The core of a solicitor's oral work constitutes interviewing and advising. 5. Civility is one of the six basic / compulsory qualities of a lawyer. Civility is understood not only as a mere courtesy, but as respect for individual dignity of every person. Суммарная оценка Total 65(5 points at maximum are granted for the answer to Task 5; in Task 6 there are 7 sentences but 9 options)