

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Контрольное задание № 1. по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции (английский)»

по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции (английский)»

1. Письменно переведите следующий текст с английского языка на русский. Время на подготовку – 2 акад. часа. Разрешается пользоваться словарем на бумажном носителе.

In the past four years the Government has placed greater emphasis on crime prevention. Some 12 government departments have been brought together in a ministerial group to deal with crime prevention strategies. These include efforts to improve security on housing estates; to ensure that architects, planners and designers make new dwellings less easy to burgle; and to understand the root causes of crime. The Government is also seeking action by the European Community to encourage car manufactures to design their products in such a way to make it difficult for criminals to steal vehicles or their contents.

All local projects were set up with support from the Home Office to see how crime and the fear of crime could be reduced through co-ordinated action by local government, private business, the police and voluntary agencies. As part of the Government’s safer cities programme, these successful projects are being extended on the same basis to some other urban areas. The establishment of local crime prevention panels has been encouraged and there are nearly 56, 000 neighbourhood watch schemes, some of which have succeeded in reducing crimes such as burglary.

2. Дополнительное задание.

Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму и переведите их на русский язык.

2. There are some difficulties in understanding the party policy in Great Britain.

3. Somebody was giving evidence when the judge entered the room.

4. Every university student should know something about the judicial system of Great Britain.

3. Дополнительное задание.

Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.

1. The existing system benefits the leading parties and discriminates against the smaller parties.

2. The House of Commons is the main place where legislation and the most important decisions of the Government are criticized and assessed.

3. California has a case law tradition, but its laws are codified as extensively as many Continental systems.

4. If you want to make a will the best man to advise you is a solicitor.

5. The more serious the crime is, the heavier punishment the criminal has.



8. Литература [1]

Основная литература[2]

Гуманова Ю.Л, Королева-МакАри В.А., Свешникова М.Л., Тихомирова Е.В. Just English. Английский для юристов. Базовый курс. Учебное пособие для юридических вузов под редакцией Т.Н.Шишкиной. М., 2010 + CD*

Зайцева С.Е., Тинигина Л.А. English for students of law. Учебное пособие для вузов. М., 2012.

Немировская Э.А., Десяткова Т.М. и др. Английский язык для юристов. М., 2011.

Дополнительная литература2

Агабекян И.П. Практический английский для юристов. Ростов-на-Дону, 2005*

Алимов В. В. Юридический перевод. Практический курс. Английский язык. М., 2004

Артамонова Л.С. Английский язык для юристов (English for professional communication in law). М., 2011

Комаровская С.Д. Английский язык для юристов. Justice and the Law in Britain. М., 2002*

Рыбин П.В., Милицына Л.Ф. Английский язык для юристов. М., 2011

Оксюкевич Е.Д. Хрестоматия по юриспруденции. М., 2001

Brown G.D., Rice S. Professional English in Use. Law. Cambridge University Press, 2007

Advanced Language Practice, by Michael Vince. Macmillan Heinemann, 2004.

Britain Now, by Catherine Addis. BBC English, 1992.

Business vocabulary in Use, by Bill Mascull. CUP, 2003.

English. Key to Success. Upper Intermediate, by Pavlotsky V.M. - Каро, СПб., 2003.

English Vocabulary in Use (Upper-Intermediate), by Michael McCarthy & Felicity O’Dell. CUP, 1996.

English Vocabulary in Use (Advanced), by Michael McCarthy & Felicity O’Dell. CUP, 2002.

First Certificate Language Practice, by Michael Vince. Macmillan Heinemann, 2004.

Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate, by Luke Prodromou. Longman, 2000.

Grammar through Stories, by Priscilla Karant. CUP, 1990.

Key words in the Media, by Bill Mascull. – Москва, «Астрель», АСТ., 2002.

Market leader. Business law, by Tricia Smith. Longman, 2000.

Mission 1, 2 FCE, by Virginia Evans & Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing, 1996.

Mission FCE Practice Tests, by Virginia Evans & Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing, 1996.

More than words (Upper-Intermediate to Advanced), by Jeremy Harmer & Richard Rossner, Longman, 1998.

North Star High Intermediate, by Tess Ferree & Kim Sanabria. Longman, 2003.

Oxford Guide to British and American Culture. OUP, 2001.

Tests in English. Thematic Vocabulary, by Mariusz Misztal. Киiв, «Знання», 1999.

Test your Business Vocabulary, by Tricia Aspinall & George Bethell. CUP, 2003

Test your Listening (Intermediate vs Advanced).

Test your Professional English. Law, by Nick Brieger. Pearson Education Ltd, 2002.

Test your Vocabulary for FCE, by Rawdon Wyatt. Pearson Education Ltd, 2002



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