

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Word Families. Some words, like analysis, analyze and analytical share the same origin and belong to the same FAMILY: they all have the same ROOT (basic part of


Some words, like analysis, analyze and analytical share the same origin and belong to the same FAMILY: they all have the same ROOT (basic part of the word) and their meaning is related. Learning to recognize root words and understand the relationship between different members of a family is one of the best ways to improve your vocabulary and understanding of new words. If you know just one word in a family, you will be able to wok out the function and meaning of other members of that family.

Task 7. [individually]

Complete the chart below with the corresponding parts of speech, using Russian equivalents as prompts. Analyze the suffix which is used to form each word and write it in the box on the right from the word.


noun noun-building suffix verb verb-building suffix adjective adjectivebuilding suffix
1) approach подходить approach достижимый approachable -able
2) cause   вызывать   причинный  
3) concept   концептуализировать, осмыслять     понятийный, концептуальный  
4) controversy     спорный  
5) experience   испытывать   опытный  
6) interpretation   интерпретировать   толковательный  
7) science ученый     научный  
8) study   изучать    
9) человек       human  
10) аргумент   аргументация     argue   Спорный / доказательный   любящий поспорить    
11) предположение     assume   предполагаемый  
12) определение   define   определимый    
13) образование, учреждение     establish   установленный; принятый  
14) наблюдение   наблюдаемость   наблюдатель     observe   видимый, поддающийся наблюдению  
15) касательство, ссылка, упоминание     refer   могущий быть приписанным    
16) утверждение     state    
17) –   underlie   лежащий в основе    

Task 8. [individually]

Paraphrase the sentences, preserving their meaning. Sometimes it is necessary to add extra words. Replace the words in italics with their derivatives. The part of speech to be used is prompted in brackets at the end of each sentence. The first sentence has been done for you as an example.


1. What's the best way of approaching this problem? (n) What is the best approach

to this problem?

2. What is the cause of this controversy? (v)

3. Dreams are open to interpretation. (v)

4. It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work. (n)

5. What is the definition of psychology? (v)

6. What mental processes underlie physical and mental health? (adj)

7. This issue caused a lot of controversy. (adj)

8. Psychology is the science of human behaviours and mental processes. (adj)

9. Psychologists study the nature, functions, and phenomena of behaviour and mental

experience. (n)

10. This student likes arguing. (adj)

11. In her paper she presents some arguments concerning the fact that scientists do not

yet know enough about the nature of the disease. (v)

12. Behavior refers to any action or reaction that we can observe. (adj)


Task 9. [individually]

(a) Study the derivatives of the word ‘human’. They have different meanings. Complete the diagram with appropriate Russian equivalents.


humankind (n)   humanity (n)
people in general   1. people in general
  2. the state of being a person rather than a god, an animal or a machine
  3. (the) humanities the subjects of study that are concerned with the way people think and behave, for example literature, language, history and philosophy
Humane (adj)   humanism (n)   humanitarian (adj)
showing kindness towards people and animals by making sure that they do not suffer more than is necessary   a system of thought that considers that solving human problems with the help of reason is more important than religious beliefs. It emphasizes the fact that the basic nature of human beings is good   concerned with reducing suffering and improving the conditions that people live in  
humanely (adv)   humanist (n)   humanitarian (n)
humanity (n)   humanistic (adj)   humanitarianism(n)
humanize (v)    


(b) Translate the following phrases into English choosing appropriate words from the diagram above.


1. человеческое поведение;

2. история человечества;

3. человеческая природа Христа;

4. гуманитарные науки;

5. гуманное общество;

6. поступить гуманно;

7. гуманность обращения с животными;

8. сделать тюремную систему более гуманной;

9. гуманистические идеи;

10. гуманитарная помощь;






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