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Word Families


Task 2. [individually]

Complete the chart below with the corresponding parts of speech, using Russian equivalents as prompts. Identify the suffix used to form each word and write it in the box on the right from the word.


noun noun-building suffix verb verb-building suffix adjective adjective-building suffix
1) advocate   защищать, поддерживать       –  
2) application кандидат, соискатель   применять; обращаться с просьбой, заявлением     применимый, подходящий   прикладной    
3) awareness     сведущий, сознающий    
4) environment     относящийся к окружающей среде    
5) motive мотиватор   мотивация     мотивировать   мотивирующий   мотивационный  
6) research исследователь   исследовать    
7) response способность к реагированию, отзывчивость   ответственность     реагировать     реагирующий, отзывчивый   ответственный  
8) stimulus стимуляция     стимулировать   стимулирующий  
9) интерес     concern   заинтересованный  
10) вклад     contribute   способствующий  
11) определение, установление   детерминант, определяющий фактор   детерминизм     determine   обусловливающий   определимый     детерминистичес-кий  
12) развитие       develop   относящийся к развитию, развивающийся   развитый    
13) акцент, упор, особое значение     emphasize    
14) влияние   influence   влиятельный  
15) исследование   исследователь     investigate   исследователь-ский  
16) предложение     propose    
17) случай, инцидент   occur    
18) предложение; предположение; внушение     suggest   поддающийся внушению   намекающий на что-л;    

Task 3. [individually]

Read the sentences below. Check the underlined words for the appropriateness of part of speech use. Correct those which are used inappropriately.


1. A conditioned reflex is said to be conditioned in the sense of being dependent for its existence or state upon the occur of a certain kind of event, having to do with the presentation of a reinforcing stimulation. A definition that includes much more than this simple notion will probably not be application to all cases.

2. In light of Darwin’s theory of evolution, Watson also advocated the use of animals in psychological research.

3. While most psychologists do not completely accept Freud's view of the unconscious, they would probably agree that individuals are not fully awareness of some important aspects of their personality.

4. All of us have a basic need to development our potential to the fullest, to progress beyond where we are now; although we may be blocked by environment and social obstacles, our natural tendency is toward actualizing our potential.

5. According to humanistic theories, an individual's principal motive force is a tendency toward growth and self-actualization.

6. But experimental psychology usually consists of behaviorist and cognitive psychologists who use experimental methods to study how people react to sensory stimuli, perceive the world, learn and remember, reason, response emotionally, and how they are motivated to action.

7. Biologically-oriented researchers attempt to explain psychological concepts and principles in terms of their biological counterparts.

8. Psychological theories and researcher have influence laws concerning discrimination, capital punishment, pornography, sexual behavior, and the conditions under which individuals may be held legally responsive for their actions.

9. With its emphasize on development one's potential, phenomenological or humanistic psychology has been closely associated with encounter groups and various types of "consciousness-expanding" and mystical experiences.

10. This is the issue of free will versus determinant.

11. English naturalist Charles Darwin was particularly influence in the development of psychology.



Task 4. [individually]

Study the grammar patterns in the box below. Note that different parts of speech are used in different grammar patterns. Complete the sentences below with appropriate parts of speech and the preposition ‘on’ where necessary.



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