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ACADEMIC VOCABULARY. Complete the ACADEMIC VOCABULARY chart with the translation and transcription of the words


Task 1. [individually]

Complete the ACADEMIC VOCABULARY chart with the translation and transcription of the words. The code in the first column of the chart denotes the source of the word (the letter stands for the passage/text the word is taken from and the figure stands for the line the word occurs in). Remember to use definitions as well as the context to find the appropriate Russian equivalents. Circle those meanings in which the words are used in unit texts, where applicable. The words marked with (*) are also used as psychological terms.


  word transcription definition translation
A188 1. advocate [C] [+ of] [+ for]   1. sb who publicly supports a particular way of doing things    
    2. a person who defends sb in a court of law  
A177 2. application [C,U] [+ to sb] [+ for sth ] [~ to do sth]   1. a formal (often written) request for sth, such as a job, permission to do sth or a place at a college or university    
[+ of ] [C,U] [+ to ]   2. the practical use of sth, esp. a theory, discovery, etc  
[U]     3. the act of making a rule, etc. operate or become effective  
A143 3. awareness [U,sing.] [+ that ]   1. knowledge or understanding of a particular subject or situation  
[+ of ]     2. the ability to notice sth using your senses  
A28 4. environment [C,U]       1. the conditions that affect the behaviour and development of sb/sth; the physical conditions that sb/sth exists in  
the environment [sing.]   2. the natural world in which people, animals and plants live:  
A60 5. motive [C] [+ for]   the reason that makes sb do sth, esp. when this reason is kept hidden  
A181 6. perspective [C] [+ on ]   a particular attitude towards sth; a way of thinking about sth  
A127 7. *phenomenon [C] plural phenomena   a fact or an event in nature or society, especially one that is not fully understood  
A49 8. *response [C,U] [+ to]   1. a reaction to sth that has happened or been said    
[C]     2. a spoken or written answer  
A185 9. research [U] [+ into / on ]   a careful study of a subject, esp. in order to discover new facts or information about it  
A44 10. *stimulus [C, usu. singular, U] [C] plural stimuli [+ to / for] | + to do sth]   1. sth that helps sb/sth to develop better or more quickly    
    2. sth that produces a reaction in a human being, an animal or a plant  
A57 11. theory[C]   1.a formal set of ideas that is intended to explain why sth happens or exists  
    2.the principles on which a particular subject is based  
    3.an opinion or idea that sb believes is true but that is not proved  
A40 12. inner   1. inside; towards or close to the centre of a place; syn internal  
    2. (of feelings, etc.) private and secret; not expressed or shown to other people; of or relating to the mind or spirit  
A 13. innate     that you have when you are born syn inborn  
A40 14. concern [T]     1.to affect sb; to involve sb    
also be concerned with sth   2. to be about sth    
    3. to worry sb  
[~ yourself/ be concerned with / about sth]   4. to take an interest in sth  
A29 15. contribute [I,T] [~ sth to sth] [+ to]     1. to do or give sth, esp. along with others, that helps to achieve a specific purpose or goal  
  contribute to sth   2.to be one of the factors that causes sth  
A27 16. determine [T] [~ how/what/who etc. / that]   1. to discover the facts about sth    
[T]   2. to make sth happen in a particular way or be of a particular type  
A31,   A143 17. develop [I,T] [develop sth] [+ from] [ + into]   1. to gradually grow or become bigger, more advanced, stronger, etc.; to make sth do this  
[T]     2. to think of or produce a new idea, product, etc. and make it successful  
A57 18. emphasize [T] BrE also emphasise [ emphasize that]   to show that an opinion, idea, quality etc. is esp. important    
A112 19. explore[I, T]   1. to travel around an unfamiliar area to find out what it is like  
20. [T]   2. to discuss, examine, or think about sth carefully  
A21 21. focus [T] [+ on / upon ]   to give attention, effort, etc. to one particular subject, situation or person rather than another  
A22 22. foster [T] formal   to encourage sth to develop    
A53 23. influence[T]   1. to have an effect on the way that sb behaves or thinks, esp. by giving them an example to follow  
    2. to have an effect on a particular situation and the way that it develops  
A48 24. investigate [I, T]     to try to find out information and facts about a crime, accident, or scientific problem by study or research  
A83 25. occur [I] occurred, occurring formal   to happen; to exist  
A85 26. propose [T] [~ sth to sb] [~ that] [~ doing sth] [~ to do sth]   1. to formally suggest a plan, time, or way of doing sth    
  [T] formal [~ to do sth]   2. to intend to do sth  
  [I] [+ to]   3. to ask sb to marry you  
  [T] formal [~ that]   4. to suggest an idea, method etc. as an answer to a scientific question  
A80 27. suggest [T] [~ sth to sb] [~ doing sth] [~ that sb do sth]   1. to put forward an idea or a plan for other people to think about; syn propose  
[~ sb/sth (for sth) ] [~ sb/sth (as sth)]   2. to tell sb about a suitable person, thing, method, etc. for a particular job or purpose; syn recommend  
[~ sth (to sb)]   3. to make sb think that sth is true; syn indicate  
    4. to state sth indirectly; syn IMPLY  



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