

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

II. Read and translate the following text

1. Company management structure.As a rule a private company has only one director. A public company must have at least two directors. Usually there is no upper limit on the number of directors a public company may have. The company's note-paper must list either all or none of the names of its directors. A limited liability company or a corporation is headed by the board of directors elected by shareholders. The directors appoint one of their number to the position of managing director to be in charge of the day-to-day running of the company. In large organizations managing director is often assisted by a general manager. Some companies also have assistant general managers. Many directors have deputies who are named deputy directors. Directors need not be shareholders. They are responsible for the management of a company's affairs. They are not subject to any residence or nationality restrictions. Big companies have many managers heading departments. They are all responsible to the managing director. Among various departmental managers the following can be mentioned:

• sales manager

• personnel manager

• chief manager

• district manager

• sales and marketing manager

• industrial engineering manager


Here is a business card of a businessman:

Racal Acoustics Limited

Colin Taylor

Sales and Marketing Manager

11, Hailsham Drive, Harrow, tel: 081-427-7727

Middlesex HA 1, England telex: 92662 fax: 081-477-0320

2. Company secretaries and their duties.There are two types of secretaries: company secretaries and private secretaries of executives. Every company, both in Great Britain and the United States, is required, under the law, to have a company secretary. In the case of private companies the directors are free to appoint any suitable person for this position. But in the case of public companies the company secretary must be a properly qualified person, a member of a recognised institute or association. He or she may be one of the directors of the company. But if the company has only one director, the director cannot also be the secretary. The company secretary is the chief administrative officer of the company. He or she is normally responsible for the company, to comply with company law. The correspondence of the company secretary is particularly concerned with shareholders' meetings, board meetings and various forms that must be sent outside. The company secretary may also deal with enquiries for information concerning other firms, although the accounts department often handles these matters. Administrative questions come into the sphere of the company secretary, under instructions of the board of directors. As to private secretaries of executives they are practically per­sonal assistants of executives. A secretary answers telephone calls, receives messages and makes telephone calls on the instruction of her boss. A secretary also helps in organization of meetings and con­ferences, entertainments of visiting customers, suppliers and other associates of the firm. She also deals with all the correspondence of her boss. Secretaries write letters on making appointments or travel arrangements, letters of introduction, congratulation or con­dolence, invitations and replies to invitations. Secretaries use various office equipment, like microcomputers, fax machines, photocopying machines and others.


III. Learn the following words.

to list вносить в список
board совет
board of directors совет директоров
to elect выбирать
to appoint назначать  
to be in charge of smth. заведовать чем-либо, отвечать за что-либо  
to run the company управлять компанией
assistant manager помощник управляющего
deputy заместитель
deputy director заместитель директора
deputy minister заместитель министра
affairs дела  
to be subject to smth. подпадать под действие чего-либо
personnel персонал
business card визитная карточка
executive руководитель
recognised признанный
to comply with smth. соответствовать чему-либо
to be concerned with smth.   быть связанным с чем-либо
enquiry запрос  
accounts отчет­ность
to handle the matter заниматься данным вопросом
associate партнер, компаньон  
to make an appointment назначать встречу
arrangement соглашение, догово­ренность  
condolence соболезнование  

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. How many directors can a private company have? And what about a public company?

2. Who heads a limited liability company?

3. How is managing director appointed? What are his duties?

4. Who is general manager?

5. What is assistant general manager?

6. What is deputy manager?

7. What is the status of a director?

8. What do managers usually head?

9. What managers are there in companies?

10. Whose business card was quoted? What information did it give?

V. Translate into Russian:

1. The company's note-paper must list either all or none of the names of its directors.

2. Directors need not be shareholders.

3. They are responsible for the management of a com­pany's affairs.

4. They are not subject to any residence or nationality restrictions.

VI. Sum up what the text says about:

directors of private companies

directors of public companies

directors of limited liability companies, their

assistants and deputies


the business card of Mr. Taylor

company secretaries

private secretaries


VII. Complete the following sentences as in the text:

1. There are two types of secretaries...

2. Every company, both in Great Britain and the United States...

3. In the case of private companies...

4. But in the case of public companies...

5. But if the company has only one director...

6. The company secretary is the chief...

7. The correspondence of the company secretary is particularly concerned with...

8. The company secretary may also deal with enquiries...

9. As to private secretaries of executives...

10. A secretary answers...

11. A secretary also helps in organization...

12. She also deals with all the correspondence...

13. Secretaries write letters...

14. Secretaries use various office equipment, like...

IX. Translate into Russian:

1. He or she is normally responsible for the company, to comply with company law.

2. He is particularly concerned with various forms that must be sent outside.

3. Although the accounts department often handles these matters.

4. Administrative questions come into the sphere of the company secretary, under instructions of the board of directors.

5. As to private secretaries of executives they are prac­tically personal assistants of executives.

6. A secretary answers telephone calls, receives messages and makes telephone calls on the instruction of her boss.

7. Secretaries write letters on making appointments or travel arrangements, letters of introduction, congratu­lation or condolence, invitations and replies to invita­tions.

8. Secretaries use various office equipment, like micro­computers, fax machines, photocopying machines and others.


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