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VOCABULARY PRACTICE SECTION 2. 1. Complete these instructions about how to navigate with the words in the box. client web page surf web browser search engine web server website

1. Complete these instructions about how to navigate with the words in the box.

client web page surf web browser search engine web server website URL


1. Start up your computer and connect to the Internet.

2. Open your … .

3. Type the … to access a website.

4. Your web browser sends the request to the correct … .

5. The server looks for the document and sends it to the … computer.

6. Your web browser displays the selected … on the screen.

7. From the home page of the … you can...... to other pages by clicking on hyperlinks.

8. If youwant to find more websites, use a … .


2. Some students accessed the websites below. What did they use the Web for? Visit different sites of the same subject and tell your groupmates about them.

3. What are the main parts of this URL? How would you say the URL?

http:// www. cambridgeesol.org/ exams cple.htm

a … b … c… d …. e ….


Дата добавления: 2014-11-13; просмотров: 526; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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