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FUN AND GAMES SECTION1. Give ideas, how do these cartoons relate to the Internet and the World Wide Web?
2. Word association: missing links Each of the sets of words below can be linked by one other word. What is the missing word? Give definitions to the words. What other collocations with these words do you know?
3. Choose the best word. Check who will get moor point quicker.
1. ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line) is moor commonly known as … .
2. Broadband internet connection is much faster than … .
3. Before you can connect to the Internet for the first time, you have to … an account with an ISP.
6. With a broadband connection, you usually have to pay a … .
7. With dial-up, you can usually choose a … tariff.
8. Some broadband contracts limit the amount … you can have each month.
9. Looking at web pages can be called "navigating the Web" but is more commonly called … .
10. You can often find the answer to a question by … on the Internet.
11. When your computer is not connected to the internet, it is … .
12. Internet banking is also called … .
13. An unexpected disconnection from the internet is called a … .
14. A file which is copied from the internet onto your computer is called … .
15. Downloading files from the internet can … your computer with a virus.
16. "The website gets a thousand hits a week" means the website has a thousand … a week.
17. The words, images and other material that make up a website are called … .
18. Designs and drawings in websites are usually called … .
19. Moving pictures in websites are usually called … .
20. Websites with sounds and/or video clips and/or animations have … .
21. A space in a website where you enter information (address, password etc.) is called a … .
22. A hyperlink is often called just … .
23. A place with computers for public internet use is usually called an internet cafe or … even if they don't serve coffee.
24. Internet cafes offer internet … .
25. A program that adds functions to a browser (e.g. Shockwave) is called a … .
26. Temporary internet files are stored in the … .
27. Colours which all browsers can display without problems are called … colours.