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Tapescript 2

Gus Morrison: Good afternoon. This is Gus Morrison calling from Glasgow. Now, most of the people I’ve have talked to today have been pretty hopeless. One of them was obviously lying when he filled in the application form. Do you know, he claimed to speak German, but when I started talking to him in German, he couldn't understand!

Well, now, the best of the bunch was er...where is it...er Duncan McCabe (that's D-U-N-C-A-N M-c-C-A-B-E). He's quite young, he's only 21 and he's a graduate of Edinburgh...Edinburgh University. He's got an MA and it's in modern languages. Now, he's been working for the publicity department of Glasgow City Council for about a year. He speaks fluent French and his German is quite good too. He's a very pleasant lad, he seems a bit shy when you first talk to him, but when you get to know him he's got a lovely sense of humour, and I think he's very bright, he's very eager and I think he'd fit in well with your people down in London. Now unfortunately he's not available until September 1st.

But if you want to contact him, his address is 145 Pentland (I'll spell that, that's P-E-N-T-L-A-N-D) Pentland Gardens, Glasgow, and the postcode is G5 8TG, and his phone number is 041 667 8092.

Laura Steele: Hello, this is Laura Steele, I'm calling from Sheffield. I've spent this morning interviewing four candidates and the best one is a Mrs Sylvia Sabbatini (that's S-Y-L-V-I-A S-A-B-B-A-T-I-N-I). Now, she's 25, she's married and has been working for Johnson Brothers, in Marketing since leaving school. She has a lovely personality - very cheerful and bright. She speaks Italian fluently (her father is Italian, her mother is English). Her qualifications on paper are not all that good, she left school at 16 to do a secretarial course, but she's a very intelligent young woman - she impressed me very much. She's been married for two years, no children, and her husband has just got a job in London, so she'd be able to start work in London more or less right away.

Her address is 78 Pennine Avenue, Pennine (P-E-N-N-I-N-E) Avenue, Huddersfield (that's H-U-D-D-E-R-S-F-I-E-L-D)/ and the postcode is LS34 7QT. Her telephone number is 0484 078432.

Terry Williams: Hello, this is Terry Williams calling from Cardiff. I've just finished a very frustrating day interviewing people for you. There were really bfuy two applicants that you should have invited for interview and I discovered after half an hour that one of them isn't available: he'd already accepted another job but decided to come to the interview anyway!

So the only person I have to tell you about is Miss Emma Harris (that's E-M-M-A H-A-R-R-I-S). She's only 20 but she has really good potential. She had all the right exam results to get into university when she left school, but decided to go into industry. She speaks Spanish and French, though she's not exactly fluent in either, but she's so confident I don't think that matters.

She's been working in marketing for a small light engineering firm and she had just become their Export Marketing Manager when the firm was taken over and she was made redundant because they decided to close her department. She is full of confidence, makes friends easily and she would work well in a team. She has no ties here, and she could start next week if you wanted. I think she'd be a real find and you should get in touch with her right away. Her address is 214 Gower Road (that's G-O-W-E-R), Swansea (S-W-A-N-S-E-A), SA2 4PJ. Her phone number is 0792 98762. All right. Ah, cheerio then.


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