

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Student B

Oil and its products are major sources of ... (What ... of?). Emissions ... (What ...?) are extremely dangerous. The greatest atmospheric pollutants are the carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, etc. Hydrocarbons are caused by ... (What ... by?). ... (What ...?) produces nitrogen oxide. Oil affects greatly on ... (What pollution ... on?) pollution. ... (What ...?) enters oceans mainly from oil tankers and offshore oil wells. Spills of oil ... (Where ...?) kill both flora and fauna.


11. Answer the following questions.

1. What kinds of environmental pollution do you know?

2. Why is air pollution so dangerous?

3. What are the greatest atmospheric pollutants?

4. What is water pollution?

5. How does oil pollute world’s water?


12. Fill in the gaps with correct prepositions (for, by, on, from, to, of, under, in into).

1. Most air pollution results ... combustion processes.

2. During a combustion process some types of pollutants are released ... the air.

3. The problem ... atmospheric pollution control is very difficult.

4. Engines used ... ground transportation or air transport are the largest sources of atmospheric pollution.

5. Most people play the main role ... polluting air.

6. Hydrocarbons are caused ... the combustion of oil and petrol.

7. Water pollution is caused by flowing of the poisonous water ... different rivers, lakes and seas.

9. ... normal circumstances, inorganic substances have little or no effect ... life within the body of water.


13.Put all types of questions to the following sentences.

1. Nitrogen oxide produced by the exhaust of cars causes pneumonia.

2. Many of these atmospheric pollutants produce the dangerous smog.

3. Any body of water has the capacity to absorb, break down or recycle these materials.

4. Organic materials are broken down by bacteria.


14. Give definitions to the following terms.

Environmental pollution, water pollution, air pollution, oil well, oil tanker, carcinogen, pollutant, smog, fauna, flora.


15. Put the verbs in brackets into correct grammar form.

1. There (to be) different kinds of environmental pollution.

2. Environmental pollution (to include) air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, etc.

3. Engines (to use) for ground transportation and air transport.

4. Jet engines (to improve) already but they still (to pollute) the air.

5. Air pollution (not/to be) as dangerous as nuclear or water pollution, but in the long term it (to have) an effect on the environment and people’s health.

6. Sulfur dioxide (to cause) stinging eyes, asthma and acid rains.

7. Pollutants (to scatter) by wind and (to wash) by rain or snow into the ground.

8. Organic materials (to convert) into a form in which they are useful to aquatic life.

9. This acute problem needs (to solve) in a short period of time.


16. Translate into English.

1. Забруднення навколишнього середовища може включати забруднення води, повітря, ґрунту, тощо.

2. Двигуни наземного чи повітряного транспорту – найбільші джерела забруднення повітря.

3. Реактивні літаки випускають велику кількість забруднювачів, а саме: окис азоту, вуглеводень та іншi.

4. Такі хвороби як астма, рак а також кислотні дощі – це наслідки забруднення повітря.

5. Дуже шкідливі емісії нафтопереробної промисловості.

6. Забруднення походить від процесів згоряння.

7. Проблема контролю забруднення атмосфери – дуже складна.

8. Нафта потрапляє в океани з танкерів з нафтою чи нафтових свердловин у відкритому морі.

9. Розливи нафти в морі шкодить флорі і фауні.


17.Read and translate text.


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