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Читання буквосполучень wh, ph, gh, qu
Запам’ятайте читання слів: who [ hu: ] whom [ hu:m ] whose [ hu:z ] what [ wot ]
Ex.1. Прочитайте наступні слова: Write, wreck, eight, phase, wrist, taught, caught, phonetics, high, wrote, fight, when ,white, flight, whick, whether, phrase, whoop, whole, quick, quack.
Вплив букви “w” та “qu” на читання букв “a” і “o”
Ex.2. Прочитайте наступні слова: Watt, wash, watch, quality, quantity, warm , ward, quarter, warm, ward, quarter, worm, worse, war, quake, worth, wage, worst, warp.
Ex.3. Прочитайте словосполучення: A quarter past five, high quality, cold war, the whole world, to watch TV, some words, was late, cold water, wash her face, to go to work, to work hard, all over the world, to work at a plant, to work at school, goods of poor quality, quantum of energy.
Урок 7 Читання букви “e”
Ex.1. Прочитайте наступні слова: [ i: ] - meet, mean, me, see, he, clean, cheese, cheap, bean, beast, need, peace, beef, believe, peak, beat, sheet, reach, shield, seem, seed, weak, we, wheel, wheat, weep, green, dean. [ e ] - bed, beg, check, breath, bread, death, feather, dead, fresh, help, thread, heather, wealth, ready [ [ i [ ju: ] - new, stew, dew, screw, pew, Newton, flew, blew, drew, [ u: ] - clew
Ex.2. Прочитайте наступні слова і поясніть правила читання “e” Set, serve, heavy, Pete, be, beard, free, here, even, clear, bed, beef, head, eagle, term, egg, lest, she, complete, severe, weep, least, prefer, seem, search, mere, lead, green, get, reserve, nerve, dear, health, theme, defect, emit, heat, defense, death, bread, feel.
Урок 8