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SUMMARY. Course work: 35 pg., 20 sources, 11 tables, 7 pict., 43 form.


Course work: 35 pg., 20 sources, 11 tables, 7 pict., 43 form.


Stock, safety stock, the average level of stocks, inventory control model, a model with a fixed interval of time between orders, models with fixed size of the order, the formula WILSON, EOQ, DELIVERY, single- and multiproduct DELIVERY, delivery schedule


The object of study - the process of supply and stocks of the company.

The subject of research - the process of applying multiproduct supply models and the impact of this process on commodity item’s inventory levels.

Objective: to study the existing models of inventory management; analysis of multiproduct supplies models in case of constraints (the payload of the vehicle, the vehicle body volume (container), the amount of storage space, the restrictions on the frequency of supply); identification of reserves to minimize costs and increase the efficiency of inventory management and supply in the valuation of stocks and implementation of supply..

Relevance of the chosen topic due to the fact that in the framework of dynamic development and demand for logistics, takes place a wide use of single-product models, ineffective in practice. The question of minimizing logistics costs (including storage, transport) by optimizing the supply chain and reduce the average stock arises. These issues are resolved by multiproduct supply models.

Methods: description, classification, analytical method, comparative analysis, data collection method, groups, automation..

The author acknowledges the work that resulted in the term paper settlement and analytical material correctly and objectively reflects the state of the process, and all borrowed from the literature and other sources of theoretical, methodological terms and concepts accompanied by references to their authors.








1 Система управления запасами: теоретически аспект..……………………….7

1.1 Определение, сущность, содержание, классификация запасов……….. .....7

1.2 Системы управления запасами, их преимущества и недостатки………….8

2 Методы расчета показателей оптимальных партий заказа при многономенклатурных поставках ..…………………………………………….12

2.1 Методы расчета показателей оптимальных партий заказа при многономенклатурных поставках: теоретический аспект..…………………...12

2.2 Многономенклатурные поставки по системе кратных периодов.………..17

3 Формирование графика многономенклатурных одновременных поставок по товарной линии материалов поставщика в условиях ограничения на грузоподъемность транспортного средства…………….…………….………..25


Список использованных источников…………………………………………...34


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