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Read the short text and find out what the origin of the word

“hobby” is.

In the 16th century a favourite toy for children of all ages was the hobbyhorse. In appearance a hobbyhorse could be as simple as a stick, or it could have a decorated wooden framework with an imitation horses head attached. Whether simple or elaborate, children used them for the games of the time involving war and knighthood, much as children in the early part of the 20th century played cowboys and Indians. In time the popularity of the hobbyhorse declined, but the pleasure of doing something outside the routine activities of daily life had brought a new word into the language, the word “hobby” which is a shortened form of hobbyhorse.

Hobbies today include a vast range of activities. The definition that best covers all these activities is probably constructive leisure-time activities. It excludes games and leaves out purely spectator activities like watching television. It also excludes schooling and work done to make a living. A hobby, like playing with a hobbyhorse, is an activity apart from the ordinary routines of life. It should encourage the use of creativity and imagination and bring the reward of learning. Some hobbies bring monetary rewards as well.

(from Compton’s Encyclopaedia)


Other time may be spent in leisure, activities that are freely chosen. Some consider leisure activities to be play and recreation. Leisure implies a less serious purpose without necessarily producing a product or skill. It implies joy, enthusiasm opportunity and energy. Some view leisure to be the opposite of work, i.e., “smelling the roses.”

“It’s not enough to be busy. The question is: What are we busy about?”
-- Henry David Thoreau



8.2 Look through the types of activities and say which of them not hobbies are.

 Work (full or part-time job)

 Sleeping, eating, exercising

 Shopping

 Travelling

 Gardening and flower arranging

 Arts and crafts

 Media entertainment such as radio or television

 Religious practices that are purposeful, traditional and ritualistic

 Education or training

 Cooking

 Sports

In pairs, sort the activities of ex.8.2 into the categories below.

 Stimulating

 Restful

 Expressive

 Active or passive

 Introverted or extroverted

 Indoors or outdoors

8.4 What activities listed above depend on:

1. Age and physical ability,e.g., increased frailty and increased age are correlated with decreased time spent in the community




5. Location, i.e., a move to congregate housing or institution

6. Family Situation, i.e., loss of a help mate


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