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Biologically active supplements

Doctors always say that if your food isn’t healthy, then you are at risk for different diseases. Nutritionists assert that for men, food should contain more than 600 various substances. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford this.

In this case biologically active food supplements (BAFS) are concentrated of the natural substances, which are allocated from animal (including sea), mineral, vegetative fibers.

Food supplements, sometimes called vitamin supplements, are one of the most popular dietary supplements people consume these days. Many of us worry that we do not get enough vitamins from our diet, and then go for the pills.

Organic food supplements contain essential nutrients to maintain good health. They can regulate body metabolism, enhance mental clarity, improve the immune system, act as antioxidants to salvage free radicals and energy levels, reduce stress response and prevent vitamin deficiency diseases.



There are three BAFS categories:

Sodium - biologically active food supplements are applied to correct a chemical compound of food. It’s an additional source nutrient: fiber, amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral substances.

Parapharmaceutics - substances which contain the basic extracts and the vegetable formulas (phytopreparations). They can be applied to preventive maintenance, auxiliary therapy and maintenance of functional activity of body systems.

Probiotics - live effective bacteria which restores natural micro flora of the body.


Biologically active food supplements are used for the following purposes:

• For fast deficiency completion of biologically active substances which do not arrive in sufficient quantities. Their level can be lowered and can cause immunity system weakness. Often our body needs more amino acids, poly-nonsaturated fat acids, vitamins, macro cells and micro cells, food fibres, etc.

• For resistibility increase of an organism. Using BAFS we can decrease damage of environment factors. For these purposes are generated phytogenesis products on the basis of ginseng ginger, pink rodiola and etc.

• For preventive maintenance of infringement of metabolism processes. BAFS can be used also as chronic disease prophylactics.

• For restoration of immunity system.

• For deducting of toxins and radionuclides from organism.


III. Answer the questions:

1. How many substances should contain food?

2. Biologically active food supplements (BAFS) are concentrated of … .

3. What supplements people consume these days?

4. Essential nutrients exist in …?

5. What is the function of organic food supplements for good health?

6. How many categories of BAFS do you know?

7. What is the advantage of sodium?

8. When can be applied in parapharmaceutics?

9. What are probiotics?

10. For what purposes are biologically active food supplements used?

IV. Is the sentence True or False?

1. Doctors always say that if your food is healthy, then you are at risk for different diseases.

2. Nutritionists assert that for men, food should contain more than 500 various substances.

3. Organic food supplements regulate body metabolism, enhance mental clarity, improve the immune system, act as antioxidants to salvage free radicals and energy levels, reduce stress response and prevent vitamin deficiency diseases.

4. Food supplements, sometimes called biological supplements, are one of the most popular dietary supplements people consume these days.

5. Probiotics - live effective bacteria which restores natural micro flora of the body.

6. BAFS can be used also as chronic disease prophylactics.

7. Parapharmaceutics are additional source nutrient: fiber, amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral substances.

8. Many of us worry that we do not get enough vitamins from our diet, and then go for the pills.

9. Using BAFS we can decrease damage of environment factors.

10. Sodium can be applied to preventive maintenance, auxiliary therapy and maintenance of functional activity of body systems.


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