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Foodborne illness, food poisoning

Foodborne illness (also foodborne disease and colloquially referred to as food poisoning) is any illness resulting from the consumption of contaminated food, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites that contaminate food, as well as chemical or natural toxins such as poisonous mushrooms. Foodborne illness usually arises from improper handling, preparation, or food storage. Good hygiene practices before, during, and after food preparation can reduce the chances of contracting an illness.

There is a consensus in the public health community that regular hand-washing is one of the most effective defenses against the spread of foodborne illness. The action of monitoring food to ensure that it will not cause foodborne illness is known as food safety. Foodborne disease can also be caused by a large variety of toxins that affect the environment. Foodborne illness can also be caused by pesticides or medicines in food and naturally toxic substances such as poisonous mushrooms or reef fish.

Food poisoning is a common, yet distressing and sometimes life-threatening problem for millions of people throughout the world. People infected with foodborne organisms may be symptom-free or may have symptoms ranging from mild intestinal discomfort to severe dehydration and bloody diarrhea. Depending on the type of infection, people can even die as a result of food poisoning. More than 250 different diseases can cause food poisoning. Some of the most common diseases are infections caused by bacteria, such as campylobacter, salmonella, shigella, e. coli O157:H7, listeria, and botulism.

Campylobacter is a bacterium that causes acute diarrhea. Transmission usually occurs through ingestion of contaminated food, water, or unpasteurized milk, or through contact with infected infants, pets, or wild animals. Symptoms of campylobacter include: diarrhea (sometimes bloody), nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and/or cramping, malaise (general uneasiness), fever.

Salmonella is a bacterial infection that can be passed on to humans from domestic and wild animals, including poultry, pigs, cattle, and pets. But most often, it is caused by drinking unpasteurized milk or by eating undercooked poultry and poultry products such as eggs. Any food prepared on surfaces contaminated by raw chicken or turkey can also become tainted with salmonella. Less often, the illness may stem from food contaminated by a food worker. Salmonella can escape from the intestine and go into the blood and travel to other organs. It may become a chronic infection in some people, who can be symptom-free yet capable of spreading the disease to others. Salmonella infections occur worldwide, but it is most extensively reported in North America and Europe. Symptoms of salmonella include acute onset of: fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.



III. Answer the questions:

1. What is foodborne illness?

2. How does foodborne illness arise?

3. What is a consensus in the public health community in protecting from foodborne illness?

4. What are the other factors that cause foodborne disease?

5. What is food poisoning?

6. What is the amount of diseases that can cause food poisoning?

7. What are the most common diseases caused by bacteria?

8. What is campylobacter?

9. What is salmonella?

10. Where do salmonella infections more often occur?

IV. Is the sentence True or False?

1. Good hygiene practices before, during, and after food preparation can reduce the chances of contracting an illness. _______________

2. The action of monitoring food to ensure that it will not cause foodborne illness is known as food safety. ________________

3. Foodborne illness cannot be caused by pesticides or medicines in food and naturally toxic substances such as poisonous mushrooms or reef fish. _________

4. Food poisoning is a common, yet distressing and sometimes life-threatening problem for millions of people throughout Africa. _________________

5. People infected with foodborne organisms may be symptom-free or may have symptoms ranging from mild intestinal discomfort to severe dehydration and bloody diarrhea. _________________

6. Depending on the type of infection, people can even live long life as a result of food poisoning. _______________

7. More than 300 different diseases can cause food poisoning. ____________

8. Some of the most common diseases are infections caused by bacteria, such as campylobacter, salmonella, shigella, e. coli O157:H7, listeria, and botulism._____

9. Symptoms of salmonella include: diarrhea (sometimes bloody), nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and/or cramping, malaise (general uneasiness), fever._____

10. Symptoms of botulism include acute onset of: fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. ________________


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