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VOCABULARY. 1. biorhythm n. биоритм 2
Exercise 1. Find in the text English equivalents for the following:
в начале 20-го столетия, ученые-медики, делать открытие, состоять из плоти и крови, (внутренние) биологические часы, подъем и спад, энергия организма, быть подчиненным 24-часовому суточному ритму, уставать и засыпать, просыпаться и бодрствовать, ощущать неприятные побочные эффекты, ощущение усталости, вызванное длительным перелетом, пересекать часовые пояса, результативность работы, быть неуклюжим, быть склонным к травматизму, заводиться с полоборота, периоды отсутствия вдохновения, период высокой (низкой) активности, быть устойчивым к болезни, быстро уставать, переход от периода высокой активности к периоду низкой активности, наоборот, могут быть представлены, физическое недомогание, страховые компании, выпускать прогнозы биоритмов (метеопрогнозы), снизить количество несчастных случаев.
Exercise 2. Match words or phrases with a similar meaning.
Exercise 3. Find the odd word out and explain why.
a) scientist, force, biorhythms, energy, side effects, jet lag, temper, illness; b) different, surprising, internal, obvious, easily, unpleasant, strange, resistant, equal; c) known, fallen, flown, gone, awaked, been, went; d) apparently, approximately, easily, usually, physically, frequently, costly. Exercise 4. Find all irregular verbs in the text and give their 3 forms.
Exercise 5. Explain the functions of all –ing forms. Exercise 6.Match the words with the opposite meanings.
a) beginning, internal, fall, sleeping, wide, high, easy, enormous, frequently, costly, influence; b) difficult, small, cheap, waking, rise, end, external, narrow, low, seldom, effect.
Exercise 7.Insert prepositions wherever necessary.
1. A surprising discovery was made … the beginning … the 20th century. 2. We are built not just … flesh and blood but also … time. 3. Our internal “body clock” regulates the rise and fall … our body energies, making us different … one day … another. 4. The lives … most living things is dominated … the 24-hour night-and-day cycle. 5. We feel tired and fall asleep … night and become awake and alert … the day. 6. People who are not used … shift work can find that lack … sleep affects … their work performance. 7. Biorhythms influence … wide areas of our lives. 8. We feel good … some days and not so good … the others. 9. Sometimes our temper seems to be … a short fuse. 10. Each cycle is divided … a high energy period and a low energy period … equal length. 11. … the high energy period … a physical biorhythm we are more resistant … illness. 12. Some car insurance companies … Japan have issued biorhythms forecast … policyholders … … to cut … the number … costly incidents.
Exercise 8.Answer the following questions.
1. What discovery did medical scientists make at the beginning of the 20th century? 2. What does our internal “body clock” regulate? 3. What were these forces called? 4. What are the lives of most living things dominated by? 5. What is the most obvious feature of the 24-hour rhythm? 6. What happens when the 24-hour rhythm is interrupted? Give an example. 7. How do biorhythms of longer duration influence our lives? Give some examples. 8. What biorhythmic cycles have scientists identified? 9. How long does each cycle last? 10. What periods is each cycle divided into? 11. What is the critical or the weakest time in the 28 days cycle? 12. How long does this critical time last? 13. What measures have been taken by some car insurance companies in Japan to eliminate the consequences of biorhythms influence?
Exercise 9.Retell the text according to the following outline.
1. A discovery made by medical scientists at the beginning of 20th century. 2. The functions of the internal “body clock”. 3. The 24-hour night-and-day cycle and its features. 4. The interruption of the 24-hour rhythm (examples). 5. Biorhythms of longer duration and their influence on our lives (examples). 6. Types of biorhythmic cycles. The main features of each cycle. 7. The critical time of changeover from the high energy period to the low energy period or vice versa. 8. Practical steps to eliminate some consequences of biorhythms effect.