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VOCABULARY. 1. award [ə¢wɔ:d] v. 2


1. award [ə¢wɔ:d] v.   2. award a prize присуждать (что-л.), награждать (чем-л.); присуждать премию
3. annually adv. ежегодно, в год
4. institution n. общество; организация; институт
5. establish v. 6. establish a fund основывать, учреждать; создавать учредить, создать фонд
7. anniversary n. [,ænɪ¢və:s(ə)rɪ] годовщина
8. will n. 9. specify a will воля, завещание оговаривать в завещании
10. make awards to присуждать награды (кому-либо)
11. confer the benefit (on) принести пользу (кому-либо)
12. in memory of в память о
13. set up v. создавать, учреждать
14. cite v. перечислять; цитировать; упоминать
15. prize awarders институты (учреждения), имеющие право присуждать премии (награды)
16. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Королевская Академия Наук Швеции
17. The Royal Caroline Medico-Chirurgical [k(a)ɪə¢rəʊʤɪk(ə)l] Institute Королевский Карловский медико-хирургический институт
18. The Swedish Academy Шведская Академия
19. The Norwegian Nobel Committee Норвежский Нобелевский Комитет
20. appoint v. назначать
21. the Norwegian Storting [¢stɔ:tɪŋ] (Parliament) парламент Норвегии (стортинг)
22. supervise v.   наблюдать, смотреть; зд. отвечать за
23. The Nobel Foundation [faun¢deɪʃ(ə)n] Нобелевский фонд
24. in pursuance [pə¢sju:(:)əns] of зд. для осуществления
25. provisions of the will условия (положения) завещания
26. the legal owner законный владелец
27. functional administrator зд. распорядитель
28. funds n. деньги; финансы
29. the joint administrative body объединенный административный орган
30. be concerned with v. заниматься чем-л., иметь дело с чем-л.
31. deliberation n. [dɪ,lɪbə¢reɪʃ(ə)n] обсуждение, дискуссия
32. rest with v. быть возложенным на кого-л.
33. exclusively adv. исключительно
34. consist of v. состоять из
35. a diploma bearing a citation [saɪ¢teɪʃ(ə)n] диплом с записью
36. an income n. доход
37. prizewinners n. лауреат, обладатель премии
38. in the early autumn в начале осени
39. the year preceding the awards год, предшествующий году, когда присуждаются премии
40. send out invitations to those competent to do so рассылать приглашения тем, кто имеет право делать это
41. international range зд. известность в международных кругах
42. self-nomination n. самовыдвижение
43. prize proposals предложение по номинации кандидатов
44. nomination n. выдвижение кандидатов
45. call in experts приглашать экспертов
46. irrespective of независимо от
47. make the final decision принять окончательное решение
48. usually but not 49. invariably adj. обычно, но не всегда неизменно, постоянно
50. voting n. голосование
51. posthumously [pəʊst¢hju:məslɪ] adj. посмертно
52. a laureate [¢lɔ:rɪɪt] n. лауреат
53. in person лично
54. present a lecture выступать с сообщением


Exercise 1. Give English equivalents for the following:

присуждать премию, создавать фонд, по завещанию, любая из премий, в предшествующий год, принести наибольшую пользу человечеству, Нобелевская премия по (в области), учреждения, имеющие право присуждать премию, для осуществления положений завещания, законный владелец и распорядитель денежных средств, объединенный административный орган, обсуждение и принятие решений по премии, каждая медаль состоит из, лауреаты премии, профессиональная компетентность и известность в международных кругах, приглашать экспертов, получать премию лично.


Exercise 2. Match words or phrases with a similar meaning.


a) to award b) to deal with c) to confer the greatest benefit on d) prize awarders e) international reputation f) prizewinners g) to set up h) to call in   i) to make the greatest contribution to j) to establish k) laureates l) to be concerned with m) prize awarding institutions n) to invite o) to give p) international range  

Exercise 3. Find the odd word out and explain why.


a) annually, exclusively, automatically, usually, invariably, posthumously, anniversary;

b) physiology, medicine, physics, chemistry, literature, committee, economics;

c) founder, expert, prizewinner, laureate, candidate, person, individual, award;

d) establish, specify, confer, cite, supervise, disqualify, proper, nominate.


Exercise 4. Find in the text all the cases of the Passive Voice and comment on them.


Exercise 5. Insert prepositions wherever necessary.


1. Nobel Prize is any … the prizes (six in number) that are awarded annually … a fund established … the will … Alfred Nobel.

2. Distribution was begun … December 10, 1901, the fifth anniversary … the death … the founder.

3. The awards are annually made “… those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit … mankind.”

4. There are four institutions cited as prize awarders … Alfred Nobel … his will.

5. The Nobel Foundation, established … pursuance … the provisions … the will, serves as the joint administrative body … prize awarders.

6. Each award consists … a gold medal, a diploma bearing a citation, and a sum … money, the amount depending … the income … the foundation.

7. … the early autumn … the year preceding the awards the prize awarding institutions send … invitations to nominate candidates … those competent … the Nobel statutes to do so.

8. Prize proposals must reach the proper committee … writing … February 1 …the year … the prize decision.

9. If necessary, the committees may call … experts, irrespective … nationality.

10. Prizes may be given only … individuals, except the Peace Prize, which may also be given … an institution.


Exercise 6. Write the questions for which these could be possible answer.


1. Nobel Prize is any of the prizes (six in number) that are awarded annually.

2. It is awarded from a fund established under the will of Alfred Nobel.

3. Distribution was begun on December 10, 1901, the fifth anniversary of the death of the founder.

4. Under the will of Nobel this award should annually be made “to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind.”

5. The Nobel Prizes are awarded for Physiology or Medicine, for Physics and Chemistry, for Literature and Peace.

6. An additional award, the Prize for Economic sciences was set up in 1968.

7. There are 4 prize awarding institutions (three Swedish and one Norwegian).

8. The Nobel Foundation is the legal owner and functional administrator of the funds.

9. The Nobel Foundation is not concerned with the prize deliberations or decisions.

10. Each award consists of a gold medal, a diploma bearing a citation, and a sum of money.

11.The selection of the prizewinners starts in the early autumn of the year preceding the awards.

12.The basis of selection is professional competence and international range.

13.Prize proposals must reach the proper committee in writing before February 1 of the year of the prize decision.

14.During September and early October the committees submit recommendations to their respective prize-awarding bodies.

15.The final decision by the awarders must be made by November 15.


Exercise 7. Retell the text according to the following outline.


1. Nobel Prize is any of six prizes.

2. The fund established under the will of Alfred Nobel.

3. Sciences for which the Prize is awarded.

4. Prize awarding institutions.

5. The Nobel Foundation and its duties.

6. The selection of prizewinners:

a) sending out invitations

b) the basis of selection

c) the deadline of prize proposals

d) the work of six Nobel committees on nominations received

e) the final decision by the awarders

7. The ceremonial presentations.

8. The components of each award.



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