

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

VOCABULARY. 1. the terms of life условия жизни

1. the terms of life условия жизни

2. drive (drove, driven) приводить в движение;

by v. зд. вызывать

3. astonishingly adv. удивительно,


4. rapid economic growth быстрый экономический


5. for the first time впервые

6. region n. область, район

7. the rise of wealth рост благосостояния

8. in the late 20 th century в конце 20-го столетия

9. sustained adj. устойчивый,


10. widespread adj. широко


11. lose (lost, lost) sight of v. упустить из виду

12. the broad pattern зд. общая картина

13. amid среди, между

14. the current anxiety over нынешнее беспокойство

по поводу

15. decline n. спад, упадок

16. the continuing failure зд. безуспешные


17. regain v. вернуть, снова достичь

18. measure v. измерять; оценивать;



19. translate v. переводить

20. harsh physical labour тяжелый


физический труд

21. drawback n. недостаток

22. development's threats to the угроза развития

environment окружающей среде

23. the dismaying tendency тревожная


24. weapons n. оружие

25. It is hardly Pollyanishto say едва ли будет



26. remain v. оставаться

27. in favour of в пользу

28. essential human values основные человеческие


29. income per person доход на душу


30. double v. удваиваться,



31. generation n. поколение

32. it has done more than that зд. он (доход) еще

более увеличился

33. leave smth. out v. не учитывать что-либо

34. surge n. подъем, резкий скачок

35. the countries that have been left страны, которые не

out of this surge были охвачены этим


36. fall into v. делиться на;

распадаться на

37. be entangled in v. быть втянутым в

38. notable exceptions заметные исключения

39. the general population широкие слои


40. а general rule общее правило


41. alike adv. подобно, одинаково

42. the Asian stars азиатские страны

43. locus n. центр; место;


44. the most spectacular growth rates наиболее эффективные

темпы роста

45. scholar n. ученый

46. devote immense efforts посвящать огромные


47. apply the lessons to the rest перенести опыт на


48. search for n. поиск чего-л.

49. shoot ahead in the great race вырываться вперед в

большой гонке

50. emphasize exports делать упор на


51. distort v. искажать

52. distort the market in their favour изменить рынок в

свою пользу

53. government-managed industrial политика планового

policies руководства


54. differ v. расходиться во



55. experts differ специалисты


во мнениях

56. put money and effort into вкладывать деньги и

education усилия в образование

57. income level уровень дохода

58. society n. общество

59. educate v. давать образование,

готовить, воспитывать

60. an elite [eɪ'li:t] n. элита


Exercise 1.Find in the text English equivalents for the following:¢

последние полстолетия, изменения в условиях жизни, поразительно быстрый экономический рост, впервые, рост благосостояния, устойчивый экономический рост, упустить из виду, беспокойство по поводу спада, бывшие советские государства, вернуть высокие темпы роста, он воплощается в другие, гораздо более важные вещи, менее тяжелый (суровый) физическийтруд, большая экономическая безопасность, недостатки, угроза развития окружающей среде, тревожная тенденция, едва ли оптимистично сказать, в пользу, доход на душу населения, страны, которые не были охвачены этим подъемом, бытьвтянутым в длительные войны, заметные исключения, азиатские страны, центр наиболее эффективных темпов роста, посвящать огромные усилия чему-л., перенести это опыт на остальных, поиск магической формулы, вырваться вперед в большой гонке, изменить рынок в свою пользу, политика планового руководства экономикой, вкладывать больше средств в образование, готовить (давать образование).


Exercise 2.Match words or phrases with a similar meaning.


a) half-century i) income per person

b) drawbacks j) to be engaged in

c) Pollyanish k) central area

d) per capita income l) surprisingly
e) to be involved in m) conditions of life

f) terms of life n) shortcomings

g) locus o) optimistic

h) astonishingly p) 50 years


Exercise 3. Find the odd word out and explain why.


a) astonishingly, strongly, mainly, rapidly, always, tendency, almost;

b) during, amid, over, since, yet, among;

c) growth, wealth, decline, rich, health, security, development, income, export, market, elite;

d) drove, lost, became, spent, did, fell, grew, understood, leave, began.


Exercise 4. Find all Perfect tense forms (active and passive) and translate them.


Exercise 5. Match the words with the opposite meanings.


a) rapid, rise, wealth, sustained, rich, high, better, drawbacks, rapidly, particular;

b) general, advantages, discontinuous, poor, low, poverty, drop, slow, worse, slowly.


Exercise 6. Insert prepositions wherever necessary.


1. ... the past half-century great changes ... term ... life have been driven ... rapid economic growth.

2. These changes have not been limited ... one region or a few countries.

3. It is easy to lose sight ... the broad pattern ... the economic development ... numerous problems.

4. There is some anxiety ... the decline ... the former Soviet states.

5. Economic growth is measured ... dollars but it translates ... other and much more important things.

6. There are drawbacks like development's threat ... the environment.

7. There is the dismaying tendency ... governments to spend too much ... their new wealth ... weapons.

8. Income ... per person has nearly doubled ... the United States ... the past generation.

9. The countries that have been left … … this surge fall mainly ... two categories.

10. Scholars and politicians have devoted immense efforts ... trying to understand why some economies grow faster than others and ... applying the lessons ... the rest.

11. The search ... the magic formula is now focused ... eight or nine Asian examples that are shooting ahead ... the great race.

12. It seems to be a general rule ... rich and poor countries alike that the process ... economic growth begins ... the classroom.


Exercise 7. Write the questions for which these could be possible answers.


1. The greatest changes that have taken place in the terms of life on this planet have been driven by rapid economic growth.

2. These changes haven't been limited to one region or a few countries.

3. Since the late 1940s life has become much better in most places for most people.

4. However the current anxiety over the decline in the former Soviet states and the continuing failure of the richest countries to regain their high growth rates of the 1960s spoil the broad pattern.

5. Economic growth is measured in dollars but it translates into other and much more important things.

6. The main indicators of economic growth are better health and longer lives, less harsh physical labour, greater economic security.

7. Along with benefits economic development has some drawbacks like development's threats to the environment and great expenditures on weapons.

8. Income per person has nearly doubled in the United States in the past generation and it has increased still higher in many other countries.

9. The countries that have been left out of this surge are those which have been entangled in long wars and most of those in Africa.

10. But the locus of the most spectacular growth rates in this decade is Asia.

11. The countries growing most rapidly are almost always those that have put more money and more effort into education than the other countries of their income level.


Exercise 8. Retell the text according to the following outline.


1. Astonishingly rapid economic growth during the past half-century and its consequences.

2. Regions covered by economic growth.

3. What spoils the broad pattern of economic growth?

4. The main indicators of economic growth.

5. Some negative tendencies of economic growth.

6. Countries that have been left out of economic growth.

7. The locus of the most spectacular growth rates.

8. Examples of the most successful economic development.

9. Education is the basis of economic growth.



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