

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

H. Fact

You need to be tested regularly for HIV/AIDS if you are sexually active. You should especially have yourself checked out if you have had unprotected sex.

Exercise3. Read the statements and put them into appropriate columns. Which position do you take?


A. You never see a tiger or a lion feeling sorry for its victims, do you?

B. It’s stupid to say everybody must be a vegetarian. In some places, it’s very difficult to get enough to eat. People have to eat what they can get.

C. I don’t think it’s necessary to kill to eat. It’s cruel to let animals suffer so much

D. Why is killing an animal different from killing a human?

E. I’ll never become a vegetarian. I love fast food so I eat lots of hot dogs and hamburgers.

F. Organic foods are full of pesticides. That’s the use of becoming a veggie.

G. Some people still believe that you can’t live without meat. But modern scientific research shows that all the nutrients we need for a healthy life can be found in plants.

H. My family and I are vegetarians we don’t eat meat. We eat lots of vegetables, fruit and meat. I think that being a veggie is good for health.





Listening Focus


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