

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Инфинитив как определение.


Кафедра иностранных языков


Методическая разработка по грамматике

для студентов II курсов всех специальностей

Тверь 2006

УДК 802.0:801.5(075.8)

ББК 81.2Англ.-2

Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для отработки навыков перевода наиболее трудных грамматических явлений, типичных для технической литературы на английском языке: инфинитива, причастий и герундия. Особое внимание уделяется словосочетаниям структурного типа. Предлагаемые задания нацелены на закрепление, тренировку и усвоение соответствующих грамматических конструкций на примере лексики, употребляемой как в учебных, так и технических текстах.

Учебно-методическое пособие обсуждено на заседании кафедры иностранных языков и рекомендовано к печати (протокол № 3 от 5.12.05).


Составители: Андрюхова Н.А., Добрякова Л.Е., Воробьева М.Ю.,

Гуменюк О.А., Смирнова О.В., Рысева Е.И., Сизова В.В.,

Торочешникова Л.Т., Явари Ю.В.

©Тверской государственный

технический университет, 2006




Форма Инфинитива Active Passive Способ перевода
Indefinite to V to be V2 действие в настоящем или будущем
Continuous to be + Ving - длящееся действие
Perfect to have V3 to have been V3 действие в прошлом
Perfect-Continuous to have been Ving - действие произошло в прошлом и длится до сих пор


Перевод инфинитива зависит от его функции (места) в предложении:


1. Инфинитив как подлежащее или сказуемое. Перевод: существительным или неопределенной формой глагола или придаточным предложением.

To live is to study.

а) Жить значит учиться. б) Жизнь - это учеба.

Инфинитив как определение.

Модель а) существительное + инфинитив

Перевод: придаточным предложением с союзом «который» в будущем времени и с оттенком долженствования.

The plans to be reconsidered are in the top drawer. Планы, которые должны быть пересмотрены, лежат в верхнем ящике стола.

Модель в) после слов the first, the second, the last и т.д. инфинитив переводится глаголом в личной форме.

He was the first to receive the results. Он первым получил результаты.

3. Инфинитив как обстоятельство цели или следствия.Часто в самом начале или в самом конце предложения.

Перевод: придаточным предложением с союзом «чтобы», «для того чтобы».

To discuss questions of ecology numerous conferences have been held by the independent environmental protection agencies.

Чтобы обсудить вопросы экологии, независимые агентства по охране окружающей среды провели многочисленные конференции.


to speak to you.

to be speaking to you.

1. I am glad to have spoken to you.

to have been speaking to you for a long time.

to be told the news.

to have been told the news.


2. I remembered to have been told a lot about these rules, but I failed the main point of them.

3. Nature has many secrets to be discovered.

4. To prove the validity of the method he carried out many experiments. To see is to believe.

5. I think your group-mates to have been studying in the reading-hall since morning.

6. I am sorry your plan to have been broken unintentionally.

7. After the first successful demonstration of his invention the scientist started to perfect it.

8. When the apparatus was installed the operator could begin the calculation.

9. I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.

10. The students were delighted to go on the excursion instead of the classes.

11. The teacher knows the students to be sitting in the lab.

12. I am very happy to have had the pleasure of making your acquaintance.

13. The very first thing you must do is to understand the statement of the problem.

14. I am sorry to have added some more trouble by what I have told you.

15. To be instructed by such a famous professor was a great advantage.

16. Nо one likes to be scolded for nothing. What is to be done to improve the situation?

17. We suppose these scientists to have been working at the problem of perpetual motion for some years.

18. She is very forgetful, but she doesn’t like to be reminded of her duties.

19. There are many things to be said in favor of, and a few against, the proposal to advance the clock by an hour during the summer months.

20. I know the machine to have been adjusted the new program to.

21. The tools to be used for this experiment should be very precise.

22. The tests are to be followed by data processing. Care is to be taken to prevent failure.

26. To dissolve this substance is difficult

27. He was the last person to do business with.

28. The road to be built next year will connect these two towns.

29. To master a foreign language is necessary for all the students.

30. Our scientists were the first to synthesize diamonds.

31. The problem to be discussed at the conference is of great importance.

32. To prevent corrosion metal must be covered with paint.

33. The electronic computers to be employed at our enterprises will have a great influence on the work of industrial engineer.

34. To maintain quality is a function of the foreman.

35. To gain maximum benefits modern industrial engineering must be capable of performing many services.

36. The workers must employ this machine.

37. The problem to be studied can be simplified by the use of experimental conditions.

38. The function of a boiler is to transfer heat to the water in the most efficient manner.

39. Mechanization is to be distinguished from more primitive tool use.

40. The design of a mechanism depends on the work to be done.

41. To use atomic energy for peaceful purposes is the tusk of our scientists.

42. It is very important to determine the degree of radiation during a flight.

43. The atom is a mighty force that is to be of a great assistance to a man.

44. The dog Laika was the first living creature to fly in the artificial satellite.

45. The child wanted to be taken seriously.

46. The engine to be installed in this car is very powerful.

47. She is too weak now to take her exams.

48. He was too polite to make any personal remarks out loudly.

49. The young writer was too tired to finish his play.

50. She is too happy to think of anything else.


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