

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника



Признаки независимого причастного оборота:

1) есть свое подлежащее

2) вместо сказуемого причастие

3) выделяется запятой


Правило перевода: причастие переводится глаголом. Независимый причастный оборот переводится придаточным предложением со следующими союзами:

1) если оборот стоит в начале предложения – придаточным предложением с союзами «так как, после того как, когда, если» и другими по смыслу.

2) если оборот стоит в конце предложения – придаточным предложением с союзами «причём, а, и, но»

3) может начинаться с предлога “with”, причем “with” не переводится.



1) The speed of light being extremely great, we cannot measure it by ordinary methods.

Так как скорость света чрезвычайно велика, мы не можем измерить её с помощью обычных методов.

2) All substances consist of molecules, molecules being made up of atoms.

Все вещества состоят из молекул, причем, молекулы состоят из атомов.

3) With space ships flying so far, we are able to reach some remote planets. Теперь, когда космические корабли летают так далеко, мы можем добраться до далёких планет.


1. The negotiations between the American and British representatives were conducted behind the closed doors, with the measures having been taken that no correspondent should receive any information.

2. The plant produces large quantities of iron, most of the iron being turned into steel.

3. The goods have been shipped by the “Glasgow”, part of the cargo being placed on deck.

4. Business on the London Metal Exchange was very brisk, over one thousand tons of tin being sold in the afternoon.

5. The wool was placed in a warehouse, the cotton being sent to the factory.

6. The signal given, the rocket starts immediately.

7. There being many people in the conference hall, we couldn’t enter it.

8. The sodium atom has eleven electrons, the eleventh one occupying a position outside the second shell.

9. Several treatments of this problem having been presented, with theories resulting from this investigation falling into one of the two categories.

10. Other theories having so far proved inadequate, dynamic theories of the origin of the solar fields are regarded as the most promising.

11. The original signal is reconstructed, with the noise impulses “smeared”.

12. All rock species are somewhat radioactive, the radioactivity being accompanied by the evolution of heat.

13. Rich deposits of iron ore having been discovered, we began to build a blast furnace.

14. They took all the measurements during actual operation of the machine, this being the usual practice of those days.

15. Evidently, a fuel with a lower ignition temperature will ignite more quickly than one with higher ignition temperature, with all other conditions being equal.

16. With the question of representing information tentatively settled, the major design question becomes one of logic operation.

17. This value is subjected by systematic errors, the most important one reflecting our lack of knowledge of the energy spectrum.

18. The weights of all the molecules of a substance being the same, the molecules are considered to be composed of exactly the same number and the same kind of atoms.

19. It was early recognized that all the rocks were surprisingly similar in chemical composition, the fact having been confirmed by the subsequent examination of rocks from different parts of the world.

20. Weather permitting, the astronomer will proceed with his observation.

21. Silver being very expensive, we only rarely use it as a conductor.

22. The square of any number being positive, the square root of a negative number is imaginary.

23. Other things being equal, the efficiency is less in irreversible cyclic process.

24. There being no atmosphere, the lunar surface is exposed to direct sunlight.

25. Silver being very expensive, we only rarely use it as a conductor.

26. Hydrogen consists of discrete particles called molecules, each one made up of two hydrogen atoms.

27. There being no atmosphere, the lunar surface is exposed to direct sunlight.

28. The atmosphere always contains some moisture, the amount varying not only from day to day but from hour to hour.

29. The electricity is carried exclusively by the electrons, the atomic nuclei remaining stationary.

30. The other conditions being equal, the acceleration will be the same.

31. Only the first choice was hard to make, the rest of the results causing no trouble.

32. The data must be taken into account, the effect of interconnections being by no means negligible.

33. With water being cooled, the rate of the reaction was low.

34. With the model reconstructed, we may start rethinking of the whole process.

35. The "optional" method was noticeably superior to the others, with the former beating the latter on both tests.

36. All factors considered, we believe that the mechanism is the most likely.

37. Computers are considered as the answer to automatic production, with the other problems treated as peripheral in nature.

38. The session was over, with many aspects of the problem left unsolved.

39. The reaction must have taken place, with the data showing a change in the infrared region.

40. A very basic syntax is used with assembler language with each line of coding being composed of two basic files.



  Active Passive
Форма Indefinite Ving Being V3
форма Perfect Having V3 Having been V3


Признаки герундия. Перед герундием часто стоят:

1. притяжательное местоимение/существительное,

2. предлог,

3. отрицательное местоимение NO

4. глаголы начала-конца.

Правило перевода:

простая форма герундия (одно слово) может переводиться существительным, неопределенной формой глагола, деепричастием, придаточным предложением. Сложные формы герундия (более одного слова) переводятся придаточным предложением.

Stop talking! – Прекратите болтать!

I don't like your reading. – Мне не нравится твое чтение.

I remember very well my sister's having taken hard her failure at the first exam. - Я помню, как моя сестра сильно переживала по поводу провала на первом экзамене.


1. Engineers do their best to save fuel by making generators efficient and they also keep searching for possible sources of energy to increase existing stocks.

2. By pumping ionized gas at high speed through magnetic field we can generate current in the gas.

3. The gas must be heated to over 2000 degrees C and this raises a problem of devising materials capable of withstanding such intense heat.

4. The most convenient material for achieving fusion is deuterium.

5. Scientists and technologists are hard at work trying to find ways of using deuterium in the laboratory.

6. No one developed a practical way of converting wind into power until the invention of the windmill.

7. Solar batteries have proved to be very useful in supplying current for rural telephone systems.

8. When fitted into satellite, solar batteries provide the power for sending radio signals back to the earth.

9. “We could start erecting a mile-high structure very soon”, the chief of the engineering firm said.

10. Concrete is made by mixing together small stones, sand, cement and water in rotating drums.

11. The less water is used in mixing the concrete, the denser and stronger it is.

12. Spectacles were first made in the late 13th century; with the invention of printing their use became widespread.

13. Pyrex is widely used in baking dishes because it can withstand sharp temperature changes without cracking.

14. Two types of modern glass, triplex and toughened glass, are worth mentioning because they are vital to present day motoring and flying are both safety glasses.

15. A blind pedestrian can determine the signal indication by touching the cylinder with his hand to find out whether or not it is vibrating.

16. Big cars will be too expensive to operate for every day use. So instead of buying a big car and using it only a few weeks a year people may prefer to rent or lease one for special occasions.

17. Computers employing new technologies are capable of executing between 100 million and 200 million instructions per second.

18. If a unit should fail one of the tests, it is regularly subjected to, it can be quickly unplugged and replaced by a spare, with only a brief loss of operating time.

19. Previously, attempts were made to solve this problem by employing more men to serve as engine driver’s mates.

20. It’s no use trying to dissolve this substance in water.

21. We heard of his having been offered the post of the laboratory head.

22. Absence of necessary materials prevented us from completing the experiment in time.

23. In spite of the new equipment having been installed, they could not obtain good results.

24. You are not allowed to work in the chemical laboratory without having been instructed by the assistant in advance.

25. Scientists keep on working to create the starting materials for producing such substances.

26. Modern scientists study possibilities of using seawater.

27. The problem of making seawater usable is simply this: How can we imitate the purifying process of nature?

28. In spite of necessary results having been obtained the professor made the students repeat the experiment.

29. The system, named "Express" is used for booking train tickets.

30. The use of underground space in big cities is the way towards solving the transportation problem.

31. The complex scheme of utilizing underground space involves tunnels for cars under the central part of the city, duplicating the surface transportation network.

32. Computers have completely automated the work of fixing the ship’s exact position.

33. Good driving habits like moderate acceleration, anticipation of braking and traveling at modest speed can bring fuel savings of between 10 per cent and 15 per cent.

34. There still remained the most obvious way of crossing the ocean - by water.

35. Better traffic management in congested urban areas can increase average speed and reduce fuel consumption by replacing stop - start travel.

36. A computer, hooked up by TV camera eye and sophisticated flexible arm, can recognize blocks of different shapes, sizes and colors and assemble them into various figurations without being specifically instructed by human operator.

37. We heard of the experiment having been completed last week.

38. Engineers have succeeded in making production on more or less large scale.

39. In ancient times men supplemented their limited power by making use of slaves.

40. Technologists object to this material being used in construction.

41. I remember the post-graduate student having added some formulas to the paper.

42. The professor insisted on student’s checking up the obtained results once more.

43. The results of the experiment may depend on all substances having been properly mixed.

44. This reaction is impossible without compounds being heated up to the high temperatures.

45. Scientists were proud of having been awarded a high prize for developing new building materials capable of withstanding severe weather exposure without failing.

46. The young assistant was guilty of failing the experiment by heating the mixture too much.

47. The scientist thinks of repeating the attempt of developing new good building materials after not having obtained necessary results.

48. Nobody can assure of failing the experiment.

49. After having failed the experiment they accounted upon other materials being used next time.

50. We are responsible for keeping our environment healthy for future generations.



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