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Задания. Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Problems of globalization

There is no doubt that the main aim of any nation is stability and safety of its citizens. It may seem that if the government makes good laws and cares for their people, the nation can enjoy a life which is free of problems and risks.

However, it is not like that. When the world faces global problems, like wars, social and environmental problems, a country cannot avoid being involved. World War II was a good example of this – even the countries that did not want to be involved, like Switzerland, or hadn’t planned to take part in the conflict, like France, or were very far away from the battlefield, like the United States, were still greatly affected by it.

We can see the effects of globalization in the social sphere as well. One can't be rich and happy among the hungry and miserable. Now living standards in different countries are high. While 15 percent of the population of the Earth enjoys living in the richest countries, 15 billion people live in absolute poverty. This causes instability and unbalance in the world. Extremist leaders take advantage of these situations to get power and to provoke social or national conflicts. Many illegal emigrants from poor countries move to more developed countries, bringing unemployment, criminal and religious problems with them.

Задание2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the main aim of any nation?

2. How do global problems influence separate countries?

3. Did World War II influence the countries which did not want to take part in the conflict?

4. Where else can we see the effects of globalization?

5. Who takes advantage of instability and unbalance in the world?

Вопросы к практическому занятию

1. Можете ли вы сказать, о чем текст, основываясь на заголовке? Выскажите предположения.

2. Какие слова и словосочетания относятся к общенаучному стилю?

3. Озаглавьте каждый абзац текста так, чтобы заголовок выражал основную идею абзаца.

4. Изложите основное содержание текста.


Практическое занятие 5



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения общенаучными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению общенаучных текстов.

Circumference окружность

Consequence последствие

Delay задержка

To encounter сталкиваться

Instantaneous мгновенный

Орtical fiber оптоволокно

Relevance уместность


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