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Theme 2. Abutment teeth, requirements. Types of clasp lines. Fixation of RPD. Borders determination.Q1.Wire is added into wax denture base as: A. *Strengthen of the wax denture B. Landmark for teeth arrangement C. Fixation of occlusal rims D. Fixation of denture base to occlusal rims
Q2. Wax denture borders should be: A. *Equal to the future denture B. 2-3 mm higher than future denture C. 2-3 mm lower than future denture D. No difference
Q3. Size of a denture base of a conventional RPD DOESN’T depend on: A. *Condition of teeth-antagonists B. Quantity of rest teeth C. Quantity of clasps D. Supporting gingiva relief E. Embeddability of gingiva
Q4. Denture base on lower jaw must: A. *Completely cover mandible tubers B. Partially cover mandible tubers C. Leave mandible tubers uncovered
Q5. Clasps by function are NOT divided into: A. *Movable B. Retentive C. Bracing D. Retentive-bracing
Q6. A shoulder of retentive clasp while RPD displacement must be: A. *Shock absorbing B. Stable C. Slightly displace
Q7. Clasps by location are NOT divided into: A. *Intracanal B. Dental C. Alveolar D. Dentoalveolar
Q8. In Kennedy Class I, II, IV removable partial dentures, support comes from abutment teeth and the most prominent bone in the residual ridge which is located nearest the abutment and has the least displaceable overlying mucosa. T or *F
Q9. The textbook authors and your lecturers recommend that, after mouth preparations, an impression be made in irreversible hydrocolloid and a cast poured in quick-setting stone. The purpose of this is to a. *verify that proper contours have been provided on the potential abutment teeth b. maximum resident benefit c. make a cast available to the laboratory for final waxing and casting d. evaluate the contours of the occlusal rests for adequate reduction e. determine the proper size of stock tray for reversible hydrocolloid
Q10. Dislodging movement of a RPD is resisted by a. *mechanical retainers b. stabilizing clasps c. reciprocating clasps d. denture base retainers e. denture base mesh
Q11. From radiographic evidence, a dentist can best predict the reaction of alveolar bone to the additional stress load of a removable partial denture by the a. *reaction of bone to previously induced stresses b. amount of alveolar bone support remaining c. amount of alveolar bone loss already sustained d. trabecular pattern of the alveolar bone
Q12. Ordinarily, retentive clasps are not located on the opposite side of the rotational axis from the denture base. If a retainer is used, it must have increase ______________ or engage an undercut that is minimal. a. *flexibility b. taper c. nickel content d. roundness in cross section
Q13. The main axis of rotation downward for a Class I RPD will pass through the a. *terminal rests on either side of the dental arch b. rigid connectors c. guidelines d. tips of the retainers
Q14. Selection of abutments for RPDs depends upon information about many factors. Which one of the following is the least important criterion for abutment selection? a. *arch location b. crown to root ratio c. root form and number of roots d. inclination e. mobility, alveolar support, estimation of added stress
Q15. With tissue borne dentures, chewing force from the muscles is primarily limited by a. *pain b. fibrosis c. the occlusal table d. the mass of the muscles
Q16. In a healthy dentition, the magnitude of chewing force is approximately proportional to the: a. *development of muscles of mastication b. area of the periodontal membrane c. masseter muscle d. area of the occlusal table
Q17. Which of the following is not a criterion for selecting an abutment for a removable partial denture? a. *estimated cost b. mobility c. crown to root ratio d. alveolar support
Q18. In the healthy dentition, the magnitude of functional loading during chewing is approximately proportional to the development of the muscles of mastication. However, for dentures the load limit is influenced by all of the following except: a. *size of the bolus b. pain c. size of the occlusal table d. location
Q19. Retentive arm is located: A. *Between neck and equator B. Between occlusal surface and equator C. On equator D. Near gingiva
Q20. Clasp can be made of such materials EXCEPT: A. *Titanium B. Stainless steel C. Cobalt-Chromium D. Gold E. Polymer