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Theme 4. Manufacture of conventional RPD. Fitting test.


Q1. Which of the following major clinical appointments for construction of an RPD can be safely skipped?

a. *post-preparation endodontic testing

b. mouth preps and final impressions

c. diagnosis and treatment planning

d. delivery

Q2.If your laboratory technician is conscientious, dependable, and knowledgeable in all the details of good partial denture design and construction, you should make the prescription for the partial denture by

a. *drawing all the details of the design on the master cast and submitting it with the expectations that it will be followed explicitly

b. submitting a rough sketch of the design and relying on the technician’s ability and training to produce an acceptable denture

c. labelling a colored pencil drawing on a chart, outlining it on the master, and providing the technician with written instructions

d. consulting with the technician throughout the designing phase to allow the technician to share in the responsibility for the design

e. simply send the final impression to the lab with a note to “Just Do It”

Q3.The presence of mandibular lingual tori would indicate the need for

A. *lingual plating

B. a metal base

C. tube teeth

D. extra indirect retainers


Q4. The basic philosophy of dental treatment for a partially edentulous patient is to

A. *preserve what remains and restore what is missing

B. replace the missing teeth

C. improve the path of insertion

D. reshape rotated teeth

Q5.Which one of the following classes of RPDs NEVER has an axis of rotation?

A. *Class III

B. Class II

C. Class I

D. Class IV

Q6.If a mandibular RPD abutment must be crowned, the FPD impression should include

A. * a full arch impression

B. all the abutment teeth for the RPD

C. the retromolar pads

D. all of the above

Q7.Which of the following should be considered in diagnosis for an RPD patient?

A. *interarch space

B. tissue undercuts

C. occlusal contacts

D. all of the above

Q8.During biting, a maxillary Class I RPD will rotate around a line determined by the rigid metal above the survey line and closest to the extension areas. This line is called

A. *Axis of rotation

B. Frankfurt line

C. Dual path line

D. Camper's line

Q9.A patient ordered partial removable lamellar dentures for the upper and lower jaw. An

orthodontist took elastic alginate impressions of both jaws. What is his next step?

A *To send the impressions for disinfection

B To let the impressions dry out in the open air

C To invite a dental mechanic for joint analysis of the impressions

D To send the impressions immediately to the laboratory

E To put the impressions into the microten bag for 90 minutes

Q10. A patient is waiting for a partial removable laminar denture. Anatomic models of both jaws were made by means of elastic alginate material "Ypeen" and referred for disinfection. What disinfection method should be applied?

A *Glutaraldehyde 2,5% рH 7,0-8,7

B Sodium hypochloride 0,5%

C Desoxone 0,1%

D Hydrogen peroxide solution 6%

E Alcohol solution 70%


Q11. A 56-year-old patient needs a partial removable lamellar denture. Objectively: the 17, 16,

15, 14, 25, 26, 27, 28 teeth on the upper jaw are missing. In order to provide transversal

line of clasps the clasp arms should be placed upon the following teeth:

A * 13 and 24

B 13 and 18

C 24 and 18

D 24, 13 and 18

E -

Q12. A 39-year-old patient needs a clasp denture with porcelain teeth for the lower jaw. What

method should be applied while substituting wax with plastic in order to avoid mold flash

that may cause bite opening?

A *Method of transfer molding

B Direct method of compression molding

C Inverse method of compression molding

D Combined method of compression molding

E In water under pressure


Q13. RPD for an upper jaw is fabricated. Stage – acryllization. What dental technician uses to clean artificial teeth and clasps after wax removal?

A. *Methylmethacrylate

B. Alcohol

C. Water

D. Petrol

E. Isolating varnish


Q14. RPD for an upper jaw is fabricated. Stage – acryllization. Acrylic dough is being packed. How to prevent gypsum from sticking to the internal side of the denture?

A. *Cover model twice with isolating varnish

B. Cover model with cellophane

C. Soak model in cold water

D. Soak model in hot water

E. Rub model with hydrochloric acid


Q15. RPD has been fabricated for a patient’s upper jaw. While checking the denture there is mispronouncing of letter “S”. What must be done in this case?

A. *Adjust denture in anterior side of denture palatal surface

B. Decrease the denture base width

C. Adjust the denture borders

D. Adjust distal side of the denture

E. Shorten the artificial teeth


Q16. RPD for an upper jaw is fabricated. Third appointment is performed. What manipulations are held at this stage?

A. *Fit the denture in oral cavity

B. Take anatomic impressions

C. Identify central occlusion

D. Choose teeth color

E. Delivery of the denture


Q17. RPD for a lower jaw is fabricated. Wax blocks were made by a dental technician. What is the purpose of their use?

A. *Central occlusion

B. Teeth arrangement

C. Mounting models

D. Vertical dimension

E. Clasps setting


Q18. The dentist need not write the laboratory work authorization himself so long as he signs it and lists his license number.

T or *F

Q19. Chromium, Nickel, Molybdenum, Manganese, Aluminum, and Beryllium are the component elements of Ticonium. One important biological consideration is that in patients with a history of nickel sensitivity, 80% will react to a nickel chromium based alloy.

*T or F


Q20. Which stage of acrylic resin is not correct to use?

1 Stringy 2 Wet sand 3 Dough 4 Rubber

A. *2,4

B. 1,2

C. 2,3

D. 3,4

E. 1,4



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