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Theme 5. Conventional RPD correction. Denture base and its influence the mucosa of oral tissues. Troubleshooting while RPD manufacture.


Q1. Removable partial dentures improve mastication by providing chewing surfaces and obliterating small edentulous spaces into which food might otherwise escape.

*T or F

Q2. Class III removable partial dentures must be physiologically relieved.

T or *F


Q3.In order to protect gingival tissues from food abrasion, the major and minor connectors must be designed to cover them.

T or *F

Q4.From radiographic evidence, a dentist can best predict the reaction of alveolar bone to the additional stress load of a removable partial denture by the

a. *reaction of bone to previously induced stresses

b. amount of alveolar bone support remaining

c. amount of alveolar bone loss already sustained

d. trabecular pattern of the alveolar bone

Q5.The first step in relining a distal-extension removable partial denture is to

a. *verify the fit of the framework

b. correct the occlusion

c. border mold the denture base

d. eliminate undercuts in the denture base

e. re-establish the plane of occlusion by using modeling compound in the tissue surface of the denture base.


Q6. Ulcerated soft tissues that resist therapy and are associated with a mandibular RPD are of particular concern if located

a. *intheretromylohyoid area

b. on the crest of the ridge

c. in the buccal vestibule

d. in the anterior portion of the floor of the mouth


Q7. Keratitis of the eyes, scaly dermatitis of the nasolabial area, cheilitis and glossitis are clinical features of

a. *Vitamin B deficiencies

b. excessive intake of Vitamin A

c. hormone imbalance

d. diabetes mellitus

e. Vitamin C deficiencies


Q8. Symmetrical widening of the periodontal ligament space around one or more teeth is an important early manifestation of

a. *chondrosarcoma

b. poor force control by the major connector

c. “too-well-fitting” RPD

d. occlusal traumatism

e. osteosarcoma

Q9.A 48-year-old male patient has been wearing partial removable dentures for 3 months.

According to the patient, results of physical examination and additional methods of testing,

the patient was diagnosed with allergic stomatitis provoked by dyes of the acrylic resin of

his prosthesis. Allergic effects of dyes can be eliminated in the following way:

A *Fabrication of a denture out of colorless plastic

B Fabrication of bilayer bases

C Molding of plastic by method of casting

D Fabrication of cast metal prosthetic bases

E Fabrication of swaged metal bases

Q10.A patient complains about worsened fixation and frequent breakages of partial removable

lamellar denture for the lower jaw that has been in use for 5 years. Objectively: alveolar

part in edentulous areas is significantly atrophied, the denture balances. What is the most

probable cause of worsened fixation and frequent breakages of the denture?

A *Alveolar process atrophy

B Improper care of denture

C Denture using during sleep

D Consumption of solid food

E Wear of artificial teeth

Q11.What material can be used as soft polymer to reline the RPD:


B. Ftorax

C. Redont

D. Etacryl

E. Karbodent


Q12. What feature is NOT disadvantage of elastic base polymers?

A. *Decreasing of adaptation period

B. Porosity, poor polishing

C. Loss of elasticity

D. Poor marginal seal

E. Not easy to work


Q13. A 48-year-old male patient has been wearing partial removable dentures for 3 months. According to the patient, results of physical examination and additional methods of testing, the patient was diagnosed with allergic stomatitis provoked by dyes of the acrylic resin of his prosthesis. Allergic effects of dyes can be eliminated in the following way:

A *Fabrication of a denture out of colorless plastic

B Fabrication of bilayer bases

C Moulding of plastic by method of casting

D Fabrication of cast metal prosthetic bases

E Fabrication of swaged metal bases


Q14. A 53-year-old patient consulted a prosthodontist about dental prosthetics. Objectively: the 13 and 24 teeth remain as well as all the teeth on the lower jaw. The lower third of the patient’s face is shortened, crowns of the 13, 24 teeth are worn off by 2/3. What constructional element will provide optimal fixation of the partial removable prosthesis on the upper jaw?

A *Telescopic crowns

B Compound clasps

C Retaining clasps

D Bars

E Dentoalveolar clasps

Q15. A 64 year old patient applied to a dental clinic for tooth prosthetics. Objectively: there is a sharp bony prominence in the area of the missing 15 tooth. It is planned to make a partial removable denture with two-layer base. What plastic should be used for elastic backing?

A *Plastic PM-01

B Ftorax

C Acryl

D Protacryl

E Bacryl


Q16. A patient ordered partial removable lamellar dentures for the upper and lower jaw. An orthodontist took elastic alginate impressions of both jaws. What is his next step?

A *To send the impressions for disinfection

B To let the impressions dry out in the open air

C To invite a dental mechanic for joint analysis of the impressions

D To send the impressions immediately to the laboratory

E To put the impressions into the microten bag for 90 minutes


Q17.A patient complains about worsened fixation and frequent breakages of partial removable lamellar denture for the lower jaw that has been in use for 5 years. Objectively: alveolar part in edentulous areas is significantly atrophied, the denture balances. What is the most probable cause of worsened fixation and frequent breakages of the denture?

A *Alveolar process atrophy

B Improper care of denture

C Denture using during sleep

D Consumption of solid food

E Wear of artificial teeth

Q18.A patient complains of feeling of burning, dryness in the mouth, impossibility of use of RPD for the upper jaw. The denture was fabricated a week ago. The patient has removable denture for the first time. Case summary: mucosa under the denture base is hyperemic, edematic. In the region of milling the denture is porous, dull, polishing is not possible. What is the reason of pathology in the patient’s mouth?

A. *Toxic influence of monomer

B. Allergy on dye

C. Allergy on acrylic

D. Overload of tissues under the denture

E. Poor hygiene


Q19. A patient complains of discomfort while using RPD on the upper jaw, which was made a week ago. Case summary: 17, 14, 13, 22, 23 are present. Abutment teeth are 14, 17, full-arch denture on the lower jaw. There is poor fixation of the RPD on the left side. What is the reason?

A. *Wrong location of clasps

B. Central occlusion wasn’t recorded properly

C. Impressions were taken improperly

D. Incorrect denture borders

E. Clasps are not activated


Q20. RPD is fabricated for a patient. At the delivery it was revealed that vertical dimension is increased while at the fitting test it was normal. The denture base is thick, porous. Teeth have cusp-to-cusp contacts. What was the reason of such complications?

A. *Inadequate acrylic molding

B. Packing of acrylic dough in second stage

C. Model breaking while molding

D. Polymerization of acrylic in flask without pressure

E. Sharp increasing of temperature while polymerization



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