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Theme 8. Manufacture of cast RPD. Model preparation for duplication. Duplicating materials.

Q1.The investment cast upon which a removable partial denture wax pattern is formed is called a __________________ cast:

a. *refractory

b. reformed

c. reformatted

d. blocked out

Q2.The waxing of a framework can be done free hand with wax or by using a preformed pattern that is made of ____________.

a. *plastic

b. TiColorforms

c. bees wax

d. paper cones

Q3.Both research and our textbooks state that “the most important factor in RPD treatment” is: (choose one)

a. *motivation for plaque control

b. I-bar, mesial rest, guiding plane design

c. the final impression

d. broad stress distribution

Q4.All of the following are sites of arbitrary blockout of the mandibular RPD master except

a. *tissue undercuts to be crossed by origin of bar clasps

b. gross tissue undercuts situated below areas involved in design of denture framework

c. labial and buccal tooth and tissue undercuts not involved in denture design

d. all gingival crevices

e. all of the above are sites of arbitrary blockout

Q5.A master cast for a RPD should be blocked out and duplicated before

A. *the framework is waxed up

B. rest preparations are prepared

C. overlapped incisors are recontoured

D. all of the above

Q6.The partial denture design should be finalized prior to

A. *both 2 and 3 above.

B. any fixed prosthodontic treatment.

C. preparation of rest seats.

D. any emergency treatment.

Q7.What duplicating materials are used to receive refractory models?

A.*Crystosil, bugelit, silamin

B.Crystosil, ortokor, akrodent

C.Dental stone, bugelit

D.Bugelit, gypsum

E.Silamin, gelin, dentafol

Q8. What material should be used for making model that will be estimated in parallelometer?

A. *Dental stone

B. Gypsum

C. Lowfusible alloy

D. Refractory material


Q9. What material is used for isolation of denture bar and mucosa on the model?

A. *Lead plate

B. Modeling wax

C. Plaster

D. Platinum foil

E. Isolating varnish


Q10. What width must be between denture bar and mucosa in the area of hard palate on the model?

A. *0,5-0,8 мм.

В. 0,3-0,5 мм.

С. 0,1-0,2 мм.

D. 0,8-1,0 мм.

Е. 1,0-1,2 мм.


Q11. What width must be between saddles and mucosa in the area of alveolar ridge?

А. *1,5-2,0 мм.

В. 1,0-1,5 мм.

С. 0,5-1,0 мм.

D. 2,0-2,5 мм.

Е. 2,5-3,0 мм.


Q12. What is the purpose of duplicating?

A. *To receive refractory model

B. To receive auxiliary model

C. To receive sectional model

D. To receive working model

E. To receive diagnostic model


Q13. What is used for models duplicating?

A. *Gelin

B. Dental stone

C. Bugelit

D. Gypsum

E. Silamin


Q14. Duplicating material must be melted. Which temperature and how much time is necessary for melting of this material?

A. * t 80°с, 1 h;

B. t 20°с, 1 h;

C. t 50°с, 1,5 h;

D. t 100°с, 1,5 h;

E. t 120°с, 1 h.


Q15. At what temperature of duplicating material the form is filled with it?

A. *50°;

B. 30°;

C. 70°;

D. 90°;

E. 110°.


Q16. What silicone material is used for duplicating?

A. *Virosil

B. Stomaflex

C. Sielast

D. Dentofol

E. Moldin


Q17. Cast removable denture is fabricated for an upper jaw. What must be done after surveying working models?

A. *Denture design

B. Making refractory cast

C. Denture waxing

D. Casts duplicating

E. Covering with isolating varnish


Q18. Methods of parallelometry:

A. *Arbitrary, models inclination

B. Functional, esthetic

C. Physiological, guidening

D. Direct, anatomic

E. Indirect, semiphysiological


Q19. Artificial teeth are set without artificial gingiva in:

A. *One missing tooth in frontal region

B. III class Kennedy

C. II class Kennedy

D. I class Kennedy

E. Large edentulous span


Q20. Cast denture transfers masticatory load on:

A. *Mucosa and natural teeth

B. Natural teeth

C. Masticatory muscles


E. Mucosa, muscles, natural teeth



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