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Extension & growth

Goals & KPI:

Goal # 1: Revenue of 1 341 400$ (KPI: Revenue)

Goal # 2: Audience of 4 300 000 clients (KPI: The size of audience, statistics)

Goal # 3: The co-creation of tea packs “Your personal Voyage” (KPI: sales in «personal» category)

Goal # 4: Number of social network followers (KPI: 200 000 followers)

Sales estimation: 1 341 400 ($ per year)

Activities Short description Costs ($ per year)
Social Media Support of Vkontakte group 12 314$
Contextual advertising in Vkontakte 750$
Viral Videos Through Vkontakte and Youtube 4500$
Website Website support 500$
SEO Promotion through main search engines 18 000$
Online supermarkets Selling Wtea via online non-specialized shops 33 000$
OZON.ru Product provision; logistics costs; delivery costs 1160 + 40% of sales (about 163000)
  TOTAL $214 064

Event Marketing, Outdoor Advertising and Guerilla Marketing

Target 1: Rising Brand Awareness

Target 2: Consumer involvement. KPI: Consumers directly involved in our marketing activities - 100 000

Costs Comments Amount ($)
Event Marketing
Day of Tea   125 000 $
Film nights   52 800 $
“Afisha” Picnic   4 500 $
Outdoor advertising
Stickers in carriages (Moscow Underground) Voyage brand communication 12 706$
Outdoor Billboards (1 campaign for 5 billboards for 10 days) Voyage brand communication 7 500 $
Bus stations (8 stations for 2 weeks) Creative Voyage brand communication 8 000 $
Advertising in S7 Airlines (inside 500 000 lunch boxes) Creative Voyage advertising for S7 customers 46 875 $
Guerilla Marketing
Alice in Wonderland Promoaction   43 594 $
Advertising on escalators and Wissozky Adventure Lottery   54 375 $
TOTAL COSTS 355 350 $

B2B Gifting

Target 1: Increasing Revenues. KPI: Generating over 720 thousand dollars; As average 16-17 steady clients per month

Target 2: More aggressive promotion (more exhibitions, more money invested in e-marketing). KPI : sponsoring at least 5 exhibitions

Target 3: Effective Direct sales. KPI: Sales manager continues to actively perform telemarketing, combining it with going with presentation to potential clients

Target 4: Keeping high operational effectiveness: decreasing costs and increasing revenues. KPI: marketing costs – 11% of revenues

Sales predicted: $503 257

Costs Comments Amount ($)
HR Salaries $ 48 562
Exhibitions sponsorship Being a sponsor at a number of exhibitions or fairs where a big number of companies is concentrated $ 590
Promotion in Print Magazines Presence in Komus off-line catalogue $56

HoReCa Exhibitions

Target: Find partners for HoReCa and Retail. KPI: 70 new partners

Sales predicted: 220 000 $

Costs Comments Amount ($)
HORECAEXPO St Petersburg HoReCa exposition 20 000 $
WorldFood Moscow consumption goods exhibition (retail) 25 000 $
TOTAL COSTS 45 000 $


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 139; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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