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Sales Volume RSP by channels for 5 years:


Marketing budget distribution between channels over 5 years is illustrated below:

Budget distribution is highly dependent on channels policy and strategic decisions. Two first years are primarily devoted to Shocoladnica collaboration with associated advertising as well as event marketing and aggressive digital channel penetration. First retail chain entrance is conducted in the second year. The budget for Retail is gradually increasing every year. Digital channel, B2B and HoReCa clients from exhibitions and direct client search and B2B Gifting channel require stable expenditures every year.


The channel strategy allows us to achieve all the KPI for the project:


KPI Wissotzky goal Our achievement
Sales on the 5th year $20M $ 21 875 410 (sales volume in B2B prices)
Market share in specialty tea segment 17% $ 83 245 983 RSP Which is 17,3% of the specialty tea market and 3,47% of the Russian tea market
Marketing budget 1st year $1.2M up to $1.9M on the 5th year 1st year $ 1 041 972 5th year $2 070 276 The budget for the years has been carefully redistributed to execute strategic decisions and achieve global goals. Total 5 years budget ($7 635 395) is in the same limits as KPI goal




Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 115; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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