

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Direct B2B (Catering, Offices, Language Courses)

Language courses target: Brand representation and comprehensiveness of HoReCa distribution. KPI: : 130 - 160 companies

Sales 70 000 $

Catering services target: Contracts with 60 Catering Service companies (CS).

Sales: 300 000 $

Offices target: 70 Contracts

Sales - 170 000 $

Costs Comments Amount ($)
Language courses Language courses search and leaflets distributed among existing language courses 12 713 $
Catering Services Salaries & other costs 25 000 $
Offices Salaries & other costs 12 000 $
TOTAL COSTS 49 713 $


5th Year

Priorities are:

· Retail is core priority

Total costs: 2 070 276 $

Total sales: 21 875 410 $

Total sales RSP: 83 245 983 $




Entering St. Petersburg Shocoladnica cafes along with Moscow

Target 1: increasing in buying our tea at café. KPI: the amount of ordering tea 40% of all orders of tea ( +5% to previous year)

Target 2: people continue interested in buying our special present tea bags. KPI: 10% of those who drink tea in café buy usual boxes of tea; 3% of those who drink tea in café buy gift package (more than in previous year, because amount of people who order tea in café increase)

Target 3: buyers are becoming interested in buying our tea in St. Petersburg. KPI: the amount of ordering tea 20% of all orders of tea

Target 4: people are becoming interested in buying our special present tea bags in St. Petersburg. KPI: 10% of those who drink tea in café buy usual boxes of tea; 3% of those who drink tea in café buy gift package

Sales expected: 9 081 905 $ ( 29 151 255 $ RSP)

Costs Comments Amount ($)
Voyage tea bag as a gift (St. Petersburg) The bag is offered for each ordered a cup of tea (if the company is more than ordered cups) and for each person (if the company is less than or equal to order a cup). 6 118
Branded cups and teapot (St. Petersburg and Moscow) Separately purchased cups and teapots and ordered separately applying for thesecorporate style. 6 081
Leaflet-Guide (St. Petersburg) A little booklet A6.
Page in the menu for Voyage (St. Petersburg) Special page only for our tea menu.
The clip with the logo (St. Petersburg) Clip in menu with our logo. 105,5
The POS Pyramid to summer menu (St. Petersburg and Moscow) Type of pos-materials with information about special summer menu.


Sales expected: 50 192 063 $ RSP

Costs Comments Amount ($)
Payment for retail shelves Payment for shelves in supermarkets in MOSCOW and St. Petersburg Malls; all supermarkets "Perekrestok" in Russia; all hypermarkets "Karusel" in Russia; supermarkets "Sedmoy Continent" in Moscow, all hypermarkets "Metro" and "Auchan" in Russia $1 233 000
Staff expences Salary (Commerce manager, KAM "Perekrestok" (Key Account Manager), KAM "Karusel" (Key Account Manager), KAM "Sedmoy Continent" (Key Account Manager), KAM "Metro" (Key Account Manager), KAM "Auchan" (Key Account Manager), Marketing manager, Sales Manager, Marketing specialist, Retail sales analyst, 7 Sales Representatives, Designer of marketing material, Assistant) $378 750
TOTAL COSTS $1 611 750


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 140; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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