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Gerard's POV. "Hey, the Mayor wants to see us?" Frank asked, continuing to hold onto me as I made ourselves visible to everyone in the main foyer outside the

"Hey, the Mayor wants to see us?" Frank asked, continuing to hold onto me as I made ourselves visible to everyone in the main foyer outside the Mayor's office. On the way over to the Mayor's office, Frank and I had talked about new security measures we were gonna have to do when we were in costume. He would have to hold onto me at any point he wasn't fighting bad guys so that if someone came after us, I could make us both invisible and fly us to safety. We were gonna have to travel everywhere invisibly too. Some of the people in the city would definitely turn on us because they were greedy and wanted the one million dollar reward. So as a result, we had to be super cautious.

"Right this way Mr Skeleton and Mr Dark Ninja," his receptionist spoke, leading us through to the Mayor's office.

"Excuse me Sir, but The Dark Ninja and The Skeleton are here to see you like you requested," he receptionist announced to the Mayor who was watching the TV. Dr. Krustallos was still having his rant above the giant pink crystal.

"Hello there," the Mayor greeted us, turning away from the television momentarily. "As you can see by what's going on downtown, there's a slight problem," the Mayor spoke. I had to hold back a laugh. Slight problem? Fuck, the Mayor, Frank and I were receiving death threats from Dr. Krustallos, yet it was only a slight problem? I don't know what the Mayor's been smoking, but I don't think slight is the right word to describe the problem. Terrible, dangerous, disastrous, dire, fucked-up, were all perfect words to describe the problem.

"Yes Sir," Frank replied for us.

"I'm not f***ing moving until The Dark Ninja and The Skeleton f***ing come here to move this crystal. That way I can either kill them, or hundreds, maybe thousands of innocent people can die. Either way, people will die," we all heard the TV say.

"Hold one one second boys, I'm going to order the police to evacuate the area. You're not going back down there," the Mayor spoke.

"Oh yes I am," Frank replied. "Sorry Sir, I'll be back once this crystal is taken care of. I can't risk people dying."

"I'm going too then," I spoke. I was gonna support Frank through this. We were a team. And teams stuck together no matter what. "We'll be back soon Sir," I told the Mayor.

"I'd suppose nothing I can say will change your minds?" the Mayor asked.

"Nope," I said, as I grabbed a hold of Frank and flew out of the open window of the Mayor's office. We flew invisibly downtown, talking about our plan of what to do on the way.

"We'll sneak up behind him. You set fire to his cape and then I'll throw him as far across town as I can using my awesome hammer-throw skills. Then we'll remove the wall. If anyone tries to capture us, then scare them off with your fire," Frank suggested.

"Good plan. Let's go," I spoke.

A few minutes later, we were quietly sneaking up behind Dr. Krustallos who was going on about how he's much sexier than The Dark Ninja and The Skeleton and that if anyone wanted to go out with him, all they had to do was call him, before he shouted his cellphone number out to the crowd. Halfway through giving his number away, I set his cape on fire. At first he didn't realize. But when he did, he screamed like a girl.

"Oh my god. I'm on fire! How did that happen?"

"How do you think, Jackass?" I exclaimed, making Frank and I visible to everyone, before Frank grabbed him by the head and hammer-threw him across town, not caring where he ended up. Frank then picked up the crystal in one go and I flew him over to a deserted area. We then went back to see the cops only to see Dr Krustallos flying back towards us. Immediately I shot fire at him, not caring if it burnt him to death at this point. This guy wanted to kill half the city. He had it coming.

The fire burnt holes through the guy's power ranger suit, narrowly missing his mask. He had to stop, drop and roll to try and put the fire out before standing up and facing Frank and I.

"Mark my words. This isn't the end of me. I will get you. And I'll take over this city. I'll make it a hundred times... no, a thousand times better than it is right now. You just fucking wait," Dr. Krustallos threatened.

"Whatever bitch," Frank spoke, before sticking his middle finger up at the villain. Dr. Krustallos let out a yell of frustration before flying away. Sure, that wasn't the best thing to happen. It would probably have been more beneficial to capture him, but until we had the intelligence and skills to do that, he was gonna have to remain at large. But we'd get him one day. I had a feeling he'd get what was coming to him.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 142; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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