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Frank's POV. "Mmmm," Gerard moaned from under me

"Mmmm," Gerard moaned from under me. I was laying on top of him on his bed, both of us shirtless with very inflated crotches. I was sucking on one spot on his neck, trying to leave my autograph. Once I was satisfied with my work, I pulled away and planted my ass right on top of his painfully hard package, his cock straining against the denim. My legs were on either side of him and both of us were sporting very horny grins.

My hands ran up and down his chest as I began to rotate my ass, causing a friction which made Gerard moan once more. He obviously wanted things to progress, because his hands moved to my jeans, trying to undo them. I moved off of him.

"Not quite yet," I told him, sitting beside him on the bed as I began to undo his pants. He didn't try to stop me. His cock was straining so hard against the material, it was understandable that he wanted me to do something.

Gerard lifted his hips as I pulled his pants down his legs and dropped them on the floor. I didn't hesitate. I went straight for his boxers and pulled those down too. He was now laying there naked, a massive boner in between his legs that I knew he wanted touched.

I leaned back down to kiss him briefly before moving to his nightstand where he had placed the ice cream, strawberries and spoons. Grabbing the ice cream and one of the spoons, I opened the ice cream container and put the spoon in, bringing out a small amount of ice cream which I placed in my mouth. It was so cold. This was gonna be so great for Gerard.

Putting the spoon into the ice cream once more, I pulled out a much larger amount. Gerard was watching my every move, like a hawk. I made it look like I was going to put the spoon back into my mouth, making Gerard groan in frustration, but at the last minute, I tilted the spoon and the ice cream slid off the spoon and landed just above his equipment.

"Oh god," Gerard breathed, not expecting the sudden coldness. I leaned down and sucked the ice cream off his skin. Satisfied with the reaction I got, I decided to scoop out a whole bunch more ice cream. His cock was laying flat against his stomach, his tip upwards. I put the ice cream all along it, before getting some of the strawberries and placing them on top. Gerard was moaning from the coldness touching his sensitive area. I moved myself down and sucked both some ice cream and a strawberry. It tasted so good. I ate the strawberry before doing the same thing, sucking off some ice cream and a strawberry. This time, I let myself swallow the ice cream before moving up and hovering over Gerard's body on all fours, my lips moving down to touch his. With my tongue, I pushed the strawberry into his mouth, allowing him to devour the fruit which had previously come in contact with his very stiff cock.

I continued to do this, getting moans and groans out of Gerard. But when I finally had finished my dessert, I took him into my mouth.That got him moaning a lot louder than before.

"God Frank, don't.... don't stop!" he exclaimed as my tongue swished around him, bringing him closer and closer to his release.

Eventually he came and I swallowed it all before I moved up so that I was laying on top of him. I currently had a mixture of vanilla ice cream, strawberries and cum creating a taste in my mouth. Gerard mashed his lips with mine and we made out before he realized that I was still hard and he hadn't had his dessert yet.

He pulled his lips away from mine and grinned mischievously as he rolled us over. His hands roamed my body, making goosebumps appear on my skin. His lips found themselves at my neck, sucking and nibbling at the skin. His hands found their way down to my pants which he undid and removed. My underwear came off shortly after and Gerard wasted no time getting to work. He grabbed the ice cream and the same spoon I had used before scooping up some ice cream and dropping it over my chest. His lips came down and began to lick at the ice cream awfully slowly. As he ate most of it, he began to lick my chest clean, causing tingles to emerge at the site where Gerard was licking and travel down to my cock, making it throb harder.

"Mmmm Gerard, help me out," I suggested.

"Hmmmm. No," he replied. I must've looked really shocked because he chuckled before moving one of this hands down to my cock and pumped me. Soon after that, he used the ice cream and strawberries and did to me exactly what I'd done to him. He'd gotten hard again. Although when he took me completely in his mouth, I had to use all my strength to get him to stop.

"Stop," I told him. Gerard pulled away from me immediately, sporting a look of confusion on his face.

"What's the matter?" he asked me.

"Well, it's just that this is your birthday and you're hard again. So why waste my erection on just a blow job? Why don't you do something adventurous and take advantage of me?" I suggested, a smirk playing on my lips. It didn't take long for Gerard to mirror my smirk before scrambling up and grabbing a condom and some lube. He looked at me expectantly as though he wanted to know whether I had a preferable role in all of this.

"I'll take. It doesn't hurt for me and besides, it's your birthday. I don't want you to go through any pain on this day. Today is supposed to be aboutyour pleasure and happiness. Now less chatting and more of other things," I spoke, making us both break out into a small giggle. Gerard rolled on the condom and lubed himself up. He prepped me a little before entering me. As he entered me, he couldn't stop himself from moaning at how tight I had made myself. Super strength has its advantages in that regard.

Gerard began to move as soon as he'd entered me, knowing that I wasn't feeling any pain. He began to seek out where my prostate was so that he could give me pleasure. He was thrusting in and out at a moderate pace, his angling changing slightly with each movement. I knew he was getting closer to the spot that ached for his touch. And when he reached it, it made me spasm and groan out in pleasure.

Our bodies moved in perfect unison as we established a rhythm. Both of us began to become short of breath as we began to pant and sweat. Our occasional moans became more frequent as we felt more and more pleasure. I wanted to come so bad that I moved my hand and started to pump my cock in time with Gerard's thrusts. The pleasure intensified, but not as much as it did when Gerard swatted my hand away, pumping me while continuing to thrust into me. Beads of sweat were dripping off Gerard's forehead. Some people might find that gross, but being me, his boyfriend, I found it quite erotic.

"Close," he moaned out. A couple of thrusts later, he came inside of me, his face contorting into one which showed that he was in a lot of pleasure. I came shortly after, my load much bigger than it usually was during sex. It signified how turned on I was.

Once we had ridden out our orgasms, Gerard pulled out of me and laid on top of me, his forehead resting against mine, his eyes closed as he tried to regain his breath. One of his hands came up and caressed my cheek.

"I love you," he professed.

"I love you too. You were amazing," I told him. He smiled before kissing my lips, both of us still slightly breathless.

We both took a shower together before falling back on Gerard's bed naked, his arms wrapped around me. We laid there for a little while, thinking. And then I heard sniffling. It was like Gerard was crying. Alarmed, I looked over at Gerard and saw his tear-streaked face. He was crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"No, it's stupid," Gerard said immediately. "Don't worry," he replied.

"But I already am worrying. Tell me why you're crying," I demanded. Gerard sighed.

"It's nothing, really. It's just that today was the first birthday I've had since I turned 5 which was actually special. Every other birthday was full of misery. Kids would pick on me or jocks would bash me. But you went to so much trouble to make sure I had an awesome day. And it means so much to me," Gerard spoke, his tears flowing out again. I moved so that my face was hovering over his. I leaned down and attached my lips to his trembling lips. We kissed slowly, the kiss full of emotion. The lust had ended with the sex. This was pure love that I was feeling in that kiss.

"Thank you," Gerard spoke, as I pulled away.

"You don't need to thank me. I love you. It's only fitting that the man I love gets to have an awesome birthday," I explained.

"Well then, when's your birthday?" Gerard asked.

"Halloween," I replied, waving my tattooed knuckles at him as though to explain why I had the word Halloween tattooed across my fingers. He chuckled.

"Expect this Halloween to blow all the other ones out of the water," he assured me, making me giggle.

We fell asleep shortly after, Gerard still enveloping me in his arms. I loved the feeling of being cuddled up to the person I love. It was the best feeling in the world.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 143; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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