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Frank’s POV. I got to work late the next day

I got to work late the next day. I had the worst night’s sleep. Gerard and I had slept at our own places. I had been up late packing boxes to move into his apartment. I was almost packed. So I woke up late, with a massive boner which needed to be touched because otherwise, I would be walking into work with a massively painful problem in my pants.

Once I got to work, I walked over to Gerard, who was preparing to tattoo a client. My grinning face met his, before I slammed my lips into his, before slapping his ass playfully and walking off to my office to read the newspaper. Reading the newspaper was like my daily routine. I know I shouldn't have been reading it during work house and getting paid to read it, but it was just something I did when I pretended to do pointless paperwork that the owner of the place would never read. Looking at the front page, I couldn’t help but raise my eyebrows.

Shocking Deaths of The Jonas Brothers.

What was supposed to be a monumental occasion soon became a nightmare when The Jonas Brothers were electrocuted on stage last night during their concert at Madison Square Garden.

Teenage girls around the world are mourning the shocking deaths of Kevin, Joe and Nick Jonas who were marking their 500th Jonas Brothers concert last night at the historic venue.

Taking to the stage at 8pm, the three brothers, who have become known internationally through their record contract with Disney, they played their opening three songs with no complication.

Witnesses say that during the 4th song played by the group, SOS, that a masked stranger took the stage, making his way around the tight security and shooting electricity out of his hands.

The man was said to be wearing a black and gold velvet costume with a cape, a mask which covered ¾ of his face and his hair in the style of an afro.

“He just came out of nowhere and shot lightning out of his hands. I heard he didn’t even buy a ticket! Now I’ll never get the chance to marry Nick,” distraught fan, Amanda Smith told The New York times.

The three brothers died on stage in front of their fans, most of which were of the ages of 10-15.

Experts say that the electricity which shot out of the man rose up to almost 1000 volts.

“The girls who were in the front row of the mosh pit are very lucky to be alive. Sometimes electricity of that great amount can radiate and kill people standing nearby,” scientist, Harry Potter explained.

There have been no reports of any fatalities among the fans attending the concert, however there are a number of injuries reportedly caused by the large stampede rush as the teenage fans tried to run away from the maniac who murdered The Jonas Brothers.

This maniac still remains at large. If anyone has any information to bring forth as to the identity of this electricity man, they are encouraged to contact the police as soon as possible.

Fan Tributes Pour In For The Jonas Brothers

From New York to Los Angeles, fans are paying tribute to The Jonas Brothers.

At Madison Square Garden, fans are laying flowers outside and singing Jonas Brothers songs to pay tribute to the band.

At the Disney Studios in Los Angeles, more fans are paying tribute to the three-brother band with flowers, wreaths, posters, t-shirts.

Fans are also flocking to youtube, where they’re making tribute videos for the boys. Many Chris Crocker-style videos are also appearing, with many teenage girls crying their eyes out, mourning this shocking event.

Celebrities have also taken to the internet, with Miley Cyrus, Pete Wentz and Chuck Norris all paying their tributes to the brothers in their blogs.

“Today is the saddest day since my penis appeared on the internet,” Fall Out Boy bassist, Pete Wentz wrote. “These guys might have not been the sort of band I listened to, but it’s still a very sad loss to the US entertainment industry.”

Miley Cyrus, who was once romantically linked to one of the brothers wrote, “I might hate them, but I would never have wished death upon them. I’m sure they’ll be missed.”

Chuck Norris on the other hand, mentioned how deeply unhappy he was that he wouldn’t be able to now attend the Jonas Brother’s concert in his town. In unrelated news, Norris is currently facing a child pornography charge after he was caught in public masturbating to images of teenage boys and girls.

As fans learn to deal with these shocking deaths, many are asking whether the man behind the deaths has superpowers and whether it is possible that this event is linked to Dr. Krustallos.

Holy fucking shit! There was another villain at large. There wasn’t just Dr. Krustallos to worry about. There was a lightning dude as well. I needed to tell Gerard immediately.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 137; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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