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Dr. Krustallo's POVI was in my lair. My lair is a pool house spray-painted pink. I was plotting ways of getting them back. They fucking embarrassed me today. Who are they you ask? The fucking Skeleton and The fucking Dark Ninja. They wouldn't get on my nerves so much if someone were to come along and freeze them inside a pink crystal, suffocating them before eating away at their flesh. Why I could just-- "Excuse me," I heard a high-pitched call as someone knocked on the door to my lair. It had better fucking not be my mother. I told her I was busy. I told her that she wasn't to come out here. It was annoying enough that she thought I was gay, considering I sprayed the pool house pink, bought a sewing machine and white and pink fabric to create my costume and that I had an obsession with the two gay superheroes. She didn't get it. She thought I was in love with the superheroes. Far fucking from it. I swear, she is so fucking annoying. If she were to get in the way, I might just have to crystallize her. Standing up, I reluctantly went over to the door, peeking through the peep-hole. It was someone I didn't know. "State your business," I spoke. "Are you Dr. Krustallos? I saw you fly over here so I snuck into your backyard. I really look up to you. I was wondering if we could have a chat. You see, I have powers too, which could help you bring down The Skeleton and The Dark Ninja," the man said. He had a mask, but it only covered about three quarters of his face, the bottom left-hand corner cut away with a jagged edge. His hair looked like he'd been electrocuted and his outfit consisted of gold and black velvet. I must say, his costume looked impressive. I decided to hear the fucker out. If he annoyed me, all I'd have to do was crystallize him. "Come in," I spoke, opening the door and revealing myself to him. I was already in my costume, so I didn't have to worry about revealing myself to the fucker. "Sit down," I spoke, gesturing to the pink couch. The strange man walked over to the couch and sat down. I sat in an arm chair away from him. "What's your name?" I asked him. "I am The Lightning Zap," the man spoke. I looked at him oddly. "And you claim to be a supervillain?" I asked him. "Yes," he replied. "What kind of pissy-bullshit name is The Lightning Zap? It sounds like the alias of some girl who writes gay porn on the internet. You are a villain. You need something threatening. Something that is bone-chilling and makes people scream when they hear the name. What are your superpowers?" I asked the man. "I can shoot lightning out of my hands," he spoke. "Up to 1000 volts," he added. That was pretty impressive. You could do some serious harm to someone with that much power. "Were you in the toxic explosion in New Jersey?" I asked him. "No. I wasn't. Was that how you got your powers?" he asked. "Yes, I was visiting my dying Grandmother in hospital when I went to get ice cream across the road from the hospital with my younger cousin. The explosion got me and since then, I have been able to cover everything with acidic crystals, I've been able to fly and I've got this thing where when I get an erection, my cock grows to at least 2 times its size," I uncomfortably confessed. Although I must admit, as uncomfortable as it was telling people about that super power, my super-cock was a hoot in the bedroom. "If you weren't in the explosion, how did you get your powers?" I asked curiously. "I killed some people. I was sentenced to the chair. I somehow survived it before escaping. I've been in hiding ever since. The electricity altered my DNA or something. I've been able to produce large amounts of electricity with my hands," he explained. "You have so much power yet you go by such a shitty name. That's gonna change. You were sentenced to be executed, and now you will do the executing. You're now gonna be known as The Executioner," I decided. "Does that mean you're letting me work with you, as a team?" he asked. "No. Dr. Krustallos works alone," I told him. "You know, it could really be worth your while having me on your team. I could do a lot of damage. Plus, you'll have more protection," The Executioner explained. I thought this over. He did have a point. "Fine. But on one condition," I spoke to him. "Anything," he replied. "If we're a team, we're gonna have to hang out sometimes when we're not in costume. We can't look too suspicious if we walk down the street," I pointed out. "Oh, so you want us to reveal ourselves to one another," The Executioner realized. I nodded. At that point, I stood up and walked over to him, sitting beside him on the couch. I began to undo my mask as he began to remove his. Once we had removed our masks, we stared at one another, taking in one another's appearance. "Bob Bryar," I spoke, putting my hand out to him. "Ray Toro," he said, shaking it. I think this was the start of an awesome partnership. The Dark Ninja and The Skeleton didn't stand a chance.