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Gerard’s POV. “Oh my god!” I exclaimed after reading the article Frank had shown me

“Oh my god!” I exclaimed after reading the article Frank had shown me. As soon as I had finished with my first client, Frank had come up to me and made me read the article.

“Come,” Frank spoke, dragging me back to his office.

“Ooooh, Gerard’s about to get lucky!” I heard Mimi exclaim. I couldn’t help but smirk. Ha, I wished I was getting lucky. But some asshole was going around killing Hanson wannabes and in the process ruining the profit margins of one of America’s most successful companies in the tween market. So there was no time to get lucky right now. We got to Frank’s office and Frank closed and locked the door.

“What’re we gonna do? There’s not one freak we have to worry about. There’s two now! What if there becomes a whole army of villains? How are we gonna cope? Gerard, I’m scared,” Frank spoke, putting his arms around me and burying his face into my shoulder.

“It’ll be ok. We have the cops on our side, the fire brigade, Erica.... Hey! Maybe we could convince Erica to help us out,” I suggested.

“You know she won’t. She’s probably too busy fucking Mikey every night while we’re fighting crime,” Frank pointed out.

“Well that makes sense as to why every time I return to my place after ourcostume party that Mikey’s always got a stupid grin on his face. Well, that, and the fact that he loves his girlfriend. Oh my god, it was so bad last night. Mikey and make up sex just leaves a nasty grin on his face. I swear, he woke up and he was still grinning,” I spoke, making Frank giggle.

“I think we should call out Dr. Krustallos and the electric dude,” Frank suggested.

“What, like arrange a fight like they do in high school? Maybe we could fight on the football field and have spectators who say ‘oooh’ and ‘ahh’ to every punch and kick,” I spoke rather sarcastically. There was no way we were arranging a meeting with Dr. Krustallos and the electric man.

“No Gerard, I’m serious. If we can get them before they kill anyone else, it’ll be much safer for everyone else,” Frank replied.

“But what about us Frank? What about you? What if you get electrocuted or acidized? I probably sound selfish in saying it, but what if you die? I would feel so alone,” I confessed. I felt Frank hug me tighter.

“You know that won’t happen. I am the sex. No one will kill my sexy little butt,” he spoke, smirking.

“Frankie, I’m serious,” I whined. He kissed my cheek.

“Ok, so then if you don’t wanna call them out, there is another option,” Frank decided.


“Yeah. I mean, we could always find out who their secret identities are and catch them off guard and get them?” he suggested. I actually considered this option. We’d be in much less danger if we did that.

“Ok, so how do we find out who they are?” I asked Frank.

“Well, look at who they’ve killed so far. Dr. Krustallos has crystallized a car, killed some guy called Jeph Howard and he keeps putting up acid walls everywhere. I think that the acid walls are just to piss people off and to try and get our attention, but Jeph Howard... whatever he did to Dr. Krustallos, it pissed him off. I mean, if Krustallos wanted to kill random people, half the city would already be dead. Jeph Howard did something. And we need to find out what. It wouldn’t hurt to find out whose car that was which Dr. Krustallos crystallized,” Frank spoke.

“That’s a good point. But Frank, we need to make sure you’re a better detective than you have been in the past,” I informed him.

“What do you mean?” Frank asked.

“Well, in the past, your detective work led to you trying to make out with my brother,” I reminded him. He giggled.

“I can’t believe I thought it was him. I mean, you’re a much better kisser,” he told me. I couldn’t help but smile. He thought I was a good kisser?

“You think I’m a good kisser?” I asked him. He smirked before opening his mouth to speak.

“So anyway, this electricity dude killed the Jonas Brothers. I guess maybe he’s just a massive attention whore... or maybe he just hates The Jonas Brothers.” Frank guessed.

“You never answered my question,” I replied as I noticed his gaze flicked down to my lips. All of a sudden, he took me by surprise and began to make out with my hungrily. He pulled my lower half towards his, as he immediately began grinding himself against me and I couldn’t help but moan. And then he pulled away.

“Yes. You’re a fucking fantastic kisser,” he replied. “Now, you have a client soon and I have nothing to do. So I’ll do some research and see what we can find on Jeph Howard,” he decided.

“Can I have another kiss before I get back to work?” I asked him. He rolled his eyes and smirked.

“What if I said no?” he asked, still smirking.

“No sex for you,” I decided. He raised his eyebrows at me.

“Oh really? And when were you planning on sexing up The Skeleton?” he asked me.

“When he least expected it,” I replied. Now it was my turn to smirk. Frank’s face was priceless. And then he lunged at me, his lips attaching themselves to mine. As he pulled away from me, he looked at me and opened his mouth to ask me something.

“When am I getting some?” he asked me.

“Not telling,” I replied. I had a fantasy that I’d always wanted to fulfil. I was a little bit of an exhibitionist, so I wanted to do something publicly. I just didn’t know what Frank would think of it, so I figured I’d surprise him. It was probably the wrong way to go about it, but it was the best idea I had.

“Fine, I’ll speak to you later,” Frank told me, pouting. I pecked his lips once more, and he couldn’t help but smile.

“Love you,” I replied.

“Not as much as I love you,” he said back.

“Oh yeah?” I spoke, before making a fist with one of my hands. I put the fist in front of my crotch and simulated jacking off, moaning at the same time. I then pointed to Frank and smirked.

Walking over to the door, I opened it and began to walk out, only hearing Frank call out behind me.

Well hornbag, I’ll have you know, I jerk off over you just as much as you jerk off over me.

The whole workplace heard what he said. Erica and Mimi looked slightly turned on by it. The other employees just laughed.

“Hey, get back to work!” Frank ordered, also stepping out of his office. “It’s not like you’ve never touched yourselves before.”


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 141; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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