

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Use of the verb «let».

Our teacher never let us speak Russian at English lessons. = разрешает
Let me (us) do it. Let’s (let us) speak only English. Let them know about it. Let the cat out. = позвольте = давайте = дайте = выпустите
Let them understand their mistakes. Let her speak English. = пусть

8. Complete the sentences:

1. Let’s increase...

2. Let me determine...

3. Let me supervise...

4. Let her discuss...

5. Let the wholesalers...

6. Let the small retailers...

9. Translate the following sentences:

1. When he comes to the office he will call the company.

2. We’ll get in touch with them as soon as the goods are delivered.

3. We will clear up the point before he leaves.

4. He couldn’t come to the lecture because he was ill.

5. He walked slowly for he was not in a hurry.

6. As there were no more questions the chairman thanked the reporter for his interesting report.

7. They thought that the bell had rung.

10. Form nouns with the help of the suffixes:

-ant: to emigrate, to dominate, to consult, to participate, to account.

-ese: China, Japan, Sudan.

- ian|-an: statistics, Russia, America, Hungary, Bulgaria, Brazil.

11. Translate English jokes:

A famous Hungarian physicist had just finished reading his scientific paper. It was the first time he had ever made a report in English. After he had finished an American physicist came up to him.

«Say, in what language did you read your paper?»

«Didn’t you understand that?»

«Well, yes, of course. But why did you put in so many English words?»

12. Read the text and retell the contents in Russian

Text. Territorial and Administrative Division of Government in the United Kingdom

In Great Britain the county, or shire, is the principal subdivision of the country for political, administrative, judicial, and other purposes. Counties are used in England and Wales but have been replaced by other administrative units in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Before the Norman Conquest of the 11th century, the chief unit of local government in England was the shire, which had originated in the Saxon communities of the 5th century. Each shire was ruled by an ealdorman (alderman), but after the 11th century his functions were taken over by the shire-reeve, or sheriff, who was appointed by the king. By the 14th century a county court, composed of several justices of the peace, or magistrates, had developed to help the sheriff administer the county. Over the centuries these crown-appointed magistrates gradually became the primary administrators of counties. Each county also became the constituency for the elections of knights of the shire, or county members of Parliament.

This system of county government, with centrally appointed justices of the peace holding legislative, judicial, and executive powers, became inadequate in the 19th century as the suffrage was extended, government services expanded, and industrial cities continued to grow. To remedy this undemocratic system, the Local Government Act of 1888 established county councils, with members elected by local residents, to take over the legislative and executive duties of the magistrates. The act also replaced the historic counties with new administrative counties, which often had different boundaries. The act also created about 60 county boroughs; these were cities that were given county powers in order to better provide local government services.

The Local Government Act of 1972 reorganized the county system again; 47 new counties contained all urban as well as rural areas in their boundaries, and each county was subdivided into several districts, which numbered almost 300 in all. A British county provides police and fire services, education, social-welfare services, public transport, traffic regulation, consumer protection, libraries, and some highways and parks. The county council is the general governing board of a county; it is a large body, with 50 to 100 popularly elected members, and much of its basic administrative work is delegated to committees.

Outside the United Kingdom, the system of county government was adopted, with variations, in most of the countries settled from Britain. In Canada, however, the county system never became universal; where it exists, the county councils are generally much smaller than in England. New Zealand has had county councils since 1876. In Australia the administrative unit is generally called the shire, though the name county is used for larger areas.

(From the Encyclopaedia)

Unit 7


Grammar: 1. Participle I (Present Participle Active).

2. Continuous Tenses.

3. Безличные предложения с местоимением it.

4. Особые случаи образования множественного числа существительных.


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