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BRIDGET ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 I know. What about sweet and sour prawn balls? Sweet for me... NICK And sour for Hector's mum! BRIDGET Nick, behave. HECTOR Very funny. I will cook dinner. BRIDGET And Nick will look after your mother because he's such a gentleman now. NICK Don't you worry about Mrs R. She'll have a great time. Leave it to me. HECTOR So, Annie, will you pretend? ANNIE OK, Hector. For you, tonight I will pretend to be the perfect girlfriend. BRIDGET Annie, you and I are going shopping. BRIDGET It’s obvious. Urrghh! Too Margaret Thatcher. Hector will love it, but, no. Perfect! ANNIE [Composing email] Nadia, Hector's mother was here again today. Ooohhh! She is so rude to me. MRS ROMERO Don't touch her! ANNIE Your mother's right. Don't touch me! ANNIE [Composing email] Worse still, she’s coming to dinner tonight and Hector wants me to pretend to be the ‘perfect girlfriend’! BRIDGET No! HECTOR You can pretend to be what my mother wants. ANNIE What? Princess Caroline of Monaco? BRIDGET Perfect! BRIDGET [Composing email] It’s working. I’m changing Nick into the perfect boyfriend. NICK Yeah. Slave. Assorted background noises HECTOR Wow! Annie! You look great. ANNIE I look 45 years old. HECTOR But my mother will like it. Sound of knocking on door NICK Ah-hah-hah! Snap! MRS ROMERO Versace? ANNIE Marks and Spencer's. HECTOR … … … … … MRS ROMERO Yes …………………...... BRIDGET Have you enjoyed your visit to London, Mrs Romero? MRS ROMERO I love London. We often visit our friends, Liz and Phil. ANNIE And where do they live? MRS ROMERO Buckingham Palace. NICK There you are, Mrs Romero. MRS ROMERO Oh, you're so handsome, Nick. HECTOR Annie has had an interesting day today, haven't you, Annie. Go on, Annie, tell Mother about your interesting day. ANNIE OK. Well, our GM protest went very well today. MRS ROMERO What's GM? BRIDGET I don't know. Erm, Great Men, a Great Men protest. MRS ROMERO Really? ANNIE It means genetically modified. HECTOR Listen, Mum. ANNIE So, so the farmer came over to see what we were doing... MRS ROMERO Oh, GM, GM! Gorgeous Men! Oooh! NICK Another drink, Mrs R? MRS ROMERO Oh yes, Nick, please. You have lovely eyes. ANNIE Anyway, he told us to go away and when we wouldn't... NICK There you are, madam. MRS ROMERO Where did you learn your beautiful manners? NICK Oh, I was born with them. MRS ROMERO Sit down. ANNIE And then the police arrested us, but I escaped prison so I could be here tonight. HECTOR [Laughs nervously] It is a joke! Come on, Mum, talk to Annie. MRS ROMERO So Annie, Hector tells me you like animals. ANNIE Oh, I love them, but I don't eat them. I'm a vegetarian. MRS ROMERO How odd. NICK If we cannot eat animals, why are they made of meat then? Ha-ha-ha-ha!