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Questions studied

Some of the common questions of historiography are:

Reliability of the sources used, in terms of authorship, credibility of the author, and the authenticity or corruption of the text.

Historiographical tradition or framework. Every historian uses one (or more) historiographical traditions, some of which are Marxist, or Annales School ("total history"), political history, etc.

An issue engaged by critical historiography includes topics such as:

· What constitutes a historical "event"?

· In what modes does a historian write and produce statements of "truth" and "fact"?

· How does the medium (novel, textbook, film, theatre, comic) through which historical information is conveyed influence its meaning?

· What inherent epistemological problems does archive-based history possess?

· How do historians establish their own objectivity or come to terms with their own subjectivity?

· What is the relationship between historical theory and historical practice?

· What is the "goal" of history?


III. Give synonyms to the underlined words:

Ø analysis of descriptions of the past;

Ø method of presentation;

Ø methods of interpretation;

Ø encompassing meaning;

Ø multiple meanings;

Ø two basic issues involved in historiography;

Ø an academic discipline;

Ø historical information;

Ø methodological approaches;

Ø reliability of the sources;

Ø to constitute a historical event;

Ø to come into existence;

Ø related meanings

IV. Study the given below lexical units (provide the Ukrainian variant):

o related meanings;

o historical study;

o medieval historiography;

o methods of interpretation;

o tools of investigation;

o approaches or genres of history;

o historical method;

o academic discipline;

o method of presentation;

o critical historiography;

o historiographical traditions;

o to produce statement;

o to come to terms


V. Find English equivalents for the following:

§ приймати значення;

§ основні питання, що містяться в історіографії;

§ багаточисельні значення;

§ достовірність джерел;

§ метод викладення;

§ методологічний підхід;

§ невід’ємні проблеми;

§ передавати інформацію;

§ піти на поступки/примиритися


VI. Explain the expressions and sentences in other words:

¨ a body of historical work;

¨ methodology and practices;

¨ a meta-level analysis of descriptions;

¨ a corpus of literature;

¨ academic historians;

¨ reliability of the sources;

¨ authenticity or corruption of the text;

¨ "truth" and "fact";

¨ the medium;

¨ objectivity;

¨ subjectivity



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