

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

V. Look through the text and write out the key historical terms. VI. Find English equivalents for the following:

VI. Find English equivalents for the following:

o описова історія;

o достовірна оцінка;

o проводити дослідження;

o представляти автобіографічні елементи;

o дослідження питання;

o безпосереднє походження;

o грецький культурний вплив;

o традиція поєднувати географію з історією;

o ознаменувати початок латинської історіографії;

o династична історія місцевих правителів;

o приклад альтернативної історії;

o опис подій у хронологічному порядку

VII. Interpret the expressions in other words:

§ stressing their human side;

§ largely eliminated divine;

§ immediate origins of an event;

§ to mark the height of ancient political agitation;

§ the first known instance of alternate history;

§ determination of historical events;

§ to conduct research by travelling;

§ to describe the deeds and characters of ancient personalities


VIII. - Find the following adjectives and nouns from the text (column A and column B):

світовий стиль
політичний спроба
хронологічний думка
культурний оцінка
описовий агітація
свідомий порядок
людський вплив
найдавніший панування
зрозумілий потреба

- Match the lexis in columns A and B.

- Use the expressions in the statements from the text (in your own sentences).

IX. Read the gapped statements and fill in the blanks using the knowledge of the text:

v Understanding the past appears to be a universal _____________.

v Herodotus attempted to ______________between more and less __________accounts, and personally _________by travelling extensively.

v Thucydides was also the first to __________between __________and ____________origins of an event.

v Strabo was _________of the ____________tradition of combining __________with_____________, presenting a _____________of peoples and places known to his era.

v Biography was introduced as a _______________by the works of Plutarch and Suetonius who described the _____________and ____________ of ancient_____________, stressing their ___________side.

v Writing ____________was ___________among ____________monks in the ____________Ages.

v The politician and ___________Cicero introduced ______________in his _____________writings.

X. Answer the questions on the text:

1. When did written history first appear?

2. Whom were the very first historical works composed by?

3. Where did the earliest critical historical thought emerge?

4. What marked the height of ancient political agitation?

5. Who was the first to distinguish between cause and immediate origins of an event?

6. How did the Romans adopt the Greek tradition?

7. Who was the main exponent of the Greco-Roman tradition of combining geography with history?

8. Who marked the beginning of Latin historiography?

9. What did Cicero (106–43 BC) introduce in his political writings?

10. What represents the first known instance of alternate history?

11. What was introduced as a branch of history by the works of Plutarch and Suetonius?

12. How did the study of history change during the Enlightenment and Romanticism?


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