Desired Field of Study)
□ 인문사회계열 (Humanities and Social Sciences)
□ 자연공학계열 (Natural Sciences and Technology)
□ 예체능계열 (Arts and Physical Education)
5. 한국어연수 면제자 (TOPIK 5급 6급 취득자) 진학 확인
(Only for TOPIK Level 5 and Level 6 holders)
*TOPIK Level 5 and 6 holders must start their studying from Sep 1, 2015)
□ Sep 1, 2015
인적사항 (Personal Data)
Please read the form carefully. All applicants must complete all sections only by typing.
(Full Name)
| 이름(Given name) :
| 성(Family name) :
| □ Male
□ Female
| □ Single
□ Married
(Photo 3*4)
| * Name should be spelled the same as in the passport and in English.
| 생년월일
(Date of Birth)
| 년(yyyy) 월(mm) 일(dd) 나이(Age: )
| 국가
| 국적
| 여권
| (Number)
| (Date of Issue) (Date of expiry)
| 연락처
(Contact Information)
*only applicant’s own
| Address:
| Tel. ( ) E-mail:
| 최종학력
(Information concerning applicant’s most recent education)
| 최종졸업(예정)학교
(Name of previously attended Univ.)
| 해당국가/도시
| 학위
(Academic Degree recently awarded)
□ Bachelor □ Master
| 전공
(Academic Major)
| | 최종학위논문제목
(Title of graduation dissertation, if available)
| 어학능력
(Language Proficiency)
| 영어성적
(English Proficiency)
Score :
| Korean Language
(only TOPIK)
| Level: □1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □6
| Published papers, if available(one or two)
| Awards, if available
(one or two)
| 지원신청대학
(Applying University)
| 대학명
(Name of Univ.)
| 학부명
| 학과명
| 전공
(Academic Major)
| University 1
| University 2
| University 3
| 학력
(Academic Career)
| 기간
| 학 교 명
(Name of Univ.)
| 해당국가
| 전공분야
(Academic Major)
| 취득학위
(Diploma or Degree)
| ~
| ∼
| 성적
학기만 기재
(only terms attended)
| School Year
| 1st year
| 2nd year
| 3rd year
| 4th year
| 5th year
| 평균
평점 (GPA)
| 환산점수
(converted score)
| Term
| Bachel-or
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| Master
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| 직업 혹은 연구경력
(Occupation or Research Career)
| 기 간
| 기 관 명
(Institution or company)
| 직 책
| 담당업무
(Operation or Duty)
| ∼
| 과거 한국에서의 거주 또는
체류 사실
(Previous Visits to Korea)
| 기 간
| 목적
(Purpose of Stay)
| 지역
(City or Region)
| 거주 또는 체류관련기관
(Organization Concerned)
| 장학금 수혜
(Previous Scholarship Awards Received from Korean institutions)
| 지원기관명
| 지원금액(Amount)
| 수혜기간
| ( / )
| ∼
| ( / )
| ∼
년(yyyy) 월(mm) 일(dd)
Applicant's Name : (signature)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * GPA(Grade Point Average) must be converted on a maximum scale of 100 points (converted points) * See Attachment #7
* Fill out both the records of Bachelor’s & Master’s in the case of those applying for Doctoral programs
Attachment #1
☞ 국내위탁대학(연구과정 포함) 추천 지원자용
(Only for Applicants (including research scholars) who apply for this program via a Designated University)
Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) Application Form for Graduate Study
*Please tick (√ ) a box that applies to you.
Institute of Recommendation)
□ 국내대학 (Korean University)
Type of Recommendation)
□ 일반추천(General)
Degree Course of Application)
□ 석사과정 (Master’s) □ 박사과정 (Doctoral) □ 연구과정 (Research)