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Vocabulary practice. 1. Put the letters in the followingwords into the correct order.


1. Put the letters in the followingwords into the correct order.

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2. Fill in the blanks choosing from the variants given.

1. The process of hiding internal details of objects and their methods is called … .

a) encapsulation c) inheritance

b) polymorphism d) object-oriented

2. Smalltalk, Eiffel, Java, and … are all programming languages that support the object-oriented paradigm.

a) C b) C++ c) Fortran d) Ada

3. … is NOT a typical feature of an object-oriented language.

a) polymorphism c) classes

b) inheritance d) relationships

4. Object-oriented programs tend to require … memory and processing resources than procedural programs.

a) less b) more

5. Hybrid languages, such as Ada95, Visual Basic, and …, give programmers the option of using procedural and object-oriented techniques.

a) C b) C++ c) C#

6. If you can envision a problem as a set of … that pass messages back and forth, the problem is suitable for the OO approach.

a) classes b) objects


3. Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences, and then put the sentences into the correct order.

1. SIMULA laid the foundation 2. The second major development of object-oriented languages 3. Computer historians believe that SIMULA was 4. Dynabook never became a commercial product, but 5. Smalltalk is regarded as a classic object-oriented language 6. Dynabook was a prototype a) the first computer language to work with objects, classes, inheritance, and methods. b) which encourages programmers to take a “pure” OO approach to the programming process. c) Smalltalk survived and is still in use today. d) for a notebook-sized personal computer. e) came in 1972. f) for the object-oriented paradigm, which was later incorporated into other programming languages.


4. Fill in the gaps in the text.


The OO paradigm allows programmers to hide the internal details of objects and their methods. This process, called ___, allows objects to be easily reused, modified, and repurposed.

Computer historians believe ___ was the first programming language to work with objects, classes, inheritance, and methods. It is a language called ___. Recently many procedural languages have been given OO capabilities. ___, which originated at the Department of Defense, was originally a procedural language, but now includes OO features. The C language was modified into a language called___, and again modified into C#. Recent versions of ___ Basic also offer programmers the option of working within the object-oriented paradigm.


Speaking. Discuss the following questions.

1. How did object-oriented languages originate?

2. Which object-oriented languages are popular today?

3. What kinds of applications are suitable for object-oriented languages?

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the OO paradigm?


Critical thinking. Read the article and express your opinion on the problem.


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