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Английский язык как средство делового общения

2.1. (4 x 1 points) Complete the checklist of the problem-solving process. Write your answers (A, B, C …) in the boxes.


a. assign b. break c. criticize d. draw up e. eliminate f. explore g. invite h. restate





2.2. (5 х 1points) Business communication. Match the ending and beginning of each sentence. Write your answers (A, B, C …) in the boxes.


1: Are there any objections

2: We have succeeded

3: We don’t mind

4: The Buyer complained

5: We are looking forward


a. for our encouraging innovations.

b. in entering a new competitive market.

c. of the goods being damaged during shipment.

d. our partners discussing the proposal again.

e. to our company launching a new product?

f. to your coming again soon.


2.3. (7 х 1 points) In a negotiation, match what you think and what you say in a diplomatic way of expressing yourself. Write your answers (A, B, C …) in the boxes.


What you think


1. We can’t accept it. 2. You said there would be a discount. 3. Don’t forget your obligations. 4. We want a guarantee. 5. That’s wrong. . 6. We’re shocked you expect us to cover the costs. 7. We must finalize the deal today.


What you would say


a. I’m sure we don’t need to remind you of your contractual obligations. b. Unfortunately, we would be unable to accept that. c. We are rather surprised you expect us to cover the costs. d. We understood there would be a discount. e. We would need some sort of guarantee. f. With respect, that’s not quite correct.






Дата добавления: 2015-09-13; просмотров: 163; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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