

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника



Effects of human activities on the environment is not a new phenomenon. Serious overexploitation of natural resources has occurred throughout human history. Deleterious consequences of e.g. mining on the immediate environment were obvious at early stages. In particular, the unhealthy influence on workers in polluting factories were obvious even from the early development of industrialism. Large-scale effects are however more recent.

Around 1950 the Baltic Sea, although by no means unpolluted, was regarded as environmentally «healthy». Large-scale industrialization had not yet affected the environment as a whole, automobiles were few, and the modernisation of agriculture was only beginning. Forty years later the Baltic Sea has become one of the most polluted seas in the world. How could this happen?

In the 50s and 60s all countries around the Baltic Sea experienced rapid economic development. Industrial production has grown steadily and has been largely diversified. Industrial processes are never perfectly clean. There are always some waste products: in the form of smoke released into the air, polluted water to waterways or solid waste which is piled up on the ground. But industrial pollution does not only originate from industrial plants, but also from, e.g., mining and forest operations , energy production emissions from various means of transportation and, last but not least, from the product itself when it is used and thereafter disposed of by consumers. Knowing the pollutants and their environmental effects does not better the Baltic Sea very much. Only through action, be it technical, political or legal, can the condition of the Baltic Sea be improved.

One condition for survival in the Baltic region is that the ecological balance be restored: the Baltic Sea has to be cured from its serious illness. Restoring the ecological balance is a vital task. One part of the problem is refining technology and remedying the damage already done.

The second is stabilizing the national economics of the region so as to make proper investments in new technology, which is safer for the environment. The third has more to do with politics and public opinion, i.e. making politicians and the broad masses of the population aware of the present danger. Only a society that allows an open discussion and criticism of those who wield the economic and political power will be able to tackle the problems of the environment.

Environmental protection is one of several interests that have to be balanced against each other. Such other interests are national economics, unemployment, regional policy, etc. Since the problems are international, the solutions have to be international as well.

In 1974 The Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, the Baltic (or Helsinki) Convention was signed in Helsinki which included several types of pollution (land-based pollution, pollution from ships, etc.).As a consequence of the growing international concern for the environment at the end of the 1970s, the environmental movement became politically established. Green parties were formed in many countries. Important questions on the Greenpeace agenda are e.g. the struggle against waste exports and selling old, dangerous technology to the third world, as well as an international campaign against chlorine and the risks connected with radioactive waste. There is a special

Greenpeace campaign in the Baltic region, which is called «The Baltic Sea-live or let die». Greenkids, the youth organization that started in 1989, is also involved in collecting facts, disseminating information and drawing people’s attention to environmental matters through various actions. SOS (Save Our Sea)! Throughout history the Baltic Sea has tied together the people living around its shores.

Now the Sea is in danger. It’s time to understand it and help to the Sea. Right now!



environment - окружающая среда

phenomenon - явление

occur - случаться, происходить

throughout - в продолжение (всего времени)

deleterious - вредный

consequence - последствие

mining - разработка, горное дело

immediate - здесь: непосредственный

obvious - очевидный

stage - стадия, этап

large-scale - крупномасштабный

recent - недавний, последний

by no means - ни в коем случае

unpolluted - незагрязненный

regard - рассматривать

environmentally - с экологич. точки зрения

agriculture - сельское хозяйство

happen - случаться, происходить

rapid - быстряй

steadily - устойчиво, непрерывно

diversified - разнообразный

waste products - отходы

release - сбрасывать, выпускать

water-way - водный путь, фарватер

solid - твердый

pile up - собирать, накапливать

originate (from) - происходить, возникать

emission - выделение

means of transportation - средства передвижения

thereafter - с тех пор, впоследствии

be disposed of - распорядиться (чем-то)

consumer - потребитель

pollutant - загрязняющее вещество

through - здесь: посредством

be it - будь то

improve - исправлять, улучшать

survival - выживание

restore - восстанавливать

cure - вылечить

vital - жизненный, жизненно важный

refining technology - технология очистки

remedy - средство

damage - здесь: вред, урон

proper - соответствующий

safe - безопасный

broad - широкий

population - население

be aware (of) - знать (о)

danger - опасность

wield - владеть, обладать

tackle - энергично взяться (за)

environmental protection - защита окр. cреды

unemployment - безработица

solution - решение

marine - морской

convention - амер. договор, соглашение

include - включать

concern - забота, беспокойство

movement - движение

establish - учреждать, основывать

agenda - повестка (дня, собрания)

be involved (in) - участвовать (в)

disseminate - распространять

draw* one's attention - привлекать внимание

matter - вопрос

tie together - связывать, соединять

shore - берег


Comprehension Check.


Answer the following questions.

1. What are the negative effects of human activities on the environment?

2. What was the state of the Baltic sea in 1950s?

3. How did it change by the end of the 20th century?

4. Are industrial processes perfectly clean?

5. What forms of waste products do you know?

6. What are the conditions of survival for the Baltic region?

7. What does Green Peace struggle against?

8. Why do people feel so anxious about the environment?

9. What are the main ecological problems?

10. What practical steps should be taken by the countries of the Baltic Sea area

to improve the situation?

11. In which way can everybody personally help protect nature?


Topics to Discuss.

1. Pollutants and their sources.

2. Conditions of survival for the Baltic region.

3. Green Peace agenda.

4. Green kids.



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