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The word "stress" has become so commonplace and yet so vivid that it can
produce a painful reaction just to read it. And certain times of our
lives, of each year and in history are more full of stress. Maybe you're
in one of those periods.
I believe that a certain amount of unusual pressure or stress on us is
Think about championship athletes and their training programs: each day,
they push their minds and bodies and ask for better performance. That's
a good kind of stress. Also having to deal with increasing levels of
responsibility or sticky interpersonal situations can result in a
healthy growth in our capabilities.
And then there's unhealthy stress. The kind that occurs when we have
choices, like unhealthy relationships, and the kind where we take what
comes, as in illness or injuries. Either way, it can seem overwhelming.
In these situations, sometimes the best we can do is to try to find
meaning for ourselves in overcoming and living through the difficulties.
Each day we face the varying levels of stress at work and home, which
can be dealt with a number of ways. Some proven, successful approaches
* Finding a few minutes alone for prayer, meditation or quiet time
before the busy day begins. This provides a calm, firm foundation for
the day's activities.
* Looking at stressful situations as challenges to be overcome. It
reminds me of going through the rapids in the Grand Canyon. I could
either keep my head up and enjoy the rough ride or crouch down and feel
sorry for myself. It's how I chose to respond that made the difference
in how I felt.
* Forgiving myself and others for mistakes. Instead of dwelling on what
a jerk that person was who ran the red light, shrug your shoulders,
laugh it off and move on. Saves alot of churning stomachaches and worry
* Taking a time out when I begin to feel overwhelmed. There's nothing
that says I can't take a few moments for some deep breathing and
attitude adjustment when there's a break in the action.
* Engaging in regular exercise. This can range from simply walking (and
talking with the people we love, which is even better) to more strenuous
gym routines or sports. All of them result in better feelings and
reduced stress.
Don't take things too seriously. Deal with your stress in healthy ways
and enjoy the ride of your life.


deal* (with) - иметь дело (с)
unsatisfactory - неудовлетворительный
miserable - несчастный
hurried conversation - поспешная беседа
key - ключевой, важный
consider - рассмотреть
quickie - разг.: наспех сделанное дело, халтура
make* worse - ухудшить
sensitive - чувствиельный
topic - тема
cover - здесь: раскрывать
in private - при личной беседе
involve - вовлекатьd
on "neutral turf" - на нейтральной территории
jointly - совместно
select - выбирать
сollect one's thoughts - собраться с мыслями
key points - ключевые вопросы
cover - здесь: затронуть
ensure - обеспечить
waste - терять понапрасну
attentively - внимательно
verbal - вербальный, словесный
near-perfect - почти совершенный
clarity - ясность, четкость
desire - желать
agree (upon) - договориться (о)
commonplace - общепринятый
vivid - яркий, живой
painful - болезненный
certain - определенный
amount - количество, объем
pressure давление
championship - чемпионат
training - обучающий
push - подталкивать
performance - действие
increasing - увеличивающийся
level - уровень
of responsibility - ответственность
sticky - сленг: неприятный
result in - вызвать в результате
growth - рост
capabilities - способности
occur - случаться
injury - повреждение; оскорбление, обида
overwhelm - ошеломлять,
meaning - значение, смысл
overcoming - преодоление
face - сталкиваться (с)
vary - варьировать, различаться
number of ways - разные способы .
proven - опробированный, доказанный
approach - подход
alone - в одиночестве
prayer - молитва
provide - обеспечить
foundation - основа
activities - деятельность
challenge - вызов
remind - напоминать
rapids - пороги (речные)
rough ride - бурная поездка
crouch down - разг.: согнуться
respond - реагировать, отвечать (на)
forgive - прощать
dwel* (on) - здесь: зацикливаться (на)
jerk - сленг: придурок, идиот
shrug one's shoulders - пожать плечами
laugh it off - посмеяться над этим
stomachache - боль в желудке
wrinkle - морщинка
take* one's time - не спешить
overwhelmed - ошеломлен
deep breathing - глубокие вздохи
attitude adjustment - изменение отношения
break - перерыв, пауза
ingaging (in) - заниматься
range (from┘to) - варьитровать(от┘до┘)
strenuous - энергичный, напряженный
gym - спортзал
reduce - уменьшить
take* things seriously - принимать близко к сердцу
ride - здесь: ход




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