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At one time, those punctuation marks at the top of the keyboard were reserved for expressing profanity. Today, they are all smileys. There is an entire shorthand language out there, created by youthful internet users, that is increasingly understood by the public at large.

The dotcoms almost played out this trend all by themselves. Every logo had an "@" in it. But as long as there are punctuation variations to explore, these marks will probably continue to be pounded out, even for logos that aren't for copywriters.

1. Thomas Vasquez for New Yourk City School District 2. Thomas Vasquez for Glue Brand Design 3. Howalt Design Studio, Inc. for Work, Inc.


These are usually innocent little marks that are often simple silhouettes of innocuous objects. Inside the object, a name will be reversed out in a very legible font. These marks are often associated with hipper entities. The picture says what they do and the word says who they are. There's not much room for affectations-just a quick, painless, dose of honesty.

1. Thomas Vasquez for New York City School District 2. Thomas Vasquez for Glue Brand Design 3. Howalt Design Studio, Inc. for Work, Inc.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-13; просмотров: 68; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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