

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Exercise 4. Complete the dialogue.

Mr. Cronin: Does Mr. Kuznetsov want to visit our office on the first day of

his stay?

Richard: Возможно.

С: Is he going to bring their proposals to us? R:Полагаю, что да.

С: Is he going tosign theagreement at thebeginning ofhis visit?
R:Маловероятно, что он подпишетдоговор в начале визита.
С: Is he going to sign it before he leaves? v '•-"'• "'■

R: Думаю, да. ■■■'""■ .

С: Is he going to visit Chicago? 'r>

R: Сомневаюсь. He will nothave the time. ■■/■'■ ', - '



ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ Давайте... Почему бы нам не...? Как насчёт...? Мы могли бы... Думаю, мы могли бы... Я предлагаю, (чтобы мы)
RELUCTANCE I don't feel like it. I don't want to. I'd rather not. Do \ have to? Do we have to?




Why don't we...? ■

Why not...?

How about...ing..,.-?"

We could :

I suppose we (might..., could...)

I suggest we...

Ф Exercise 1. Listen and repeat.

- Why don't we get down to business? .

-Yes, okay. . .. ' / .-, ^

-Why not discuss the itinerary first? :.-»■■■■■.

- Yes, that's a good idea. How about writing down all the proposals? ■

- i have already prepared ours. We could visit some of the hospitals if
want to. ' .... . .

- Yes, that would be very interesting. ■ . ' , : .
-We could also seethe labs. ■■ ' ■"..... .'.,'. ...

-Great! • '. ' .;. '., . ../■ '.. t ;.

- I suppose we could start tomorrow morning. ,.;. . ,, ,. .

- Yes, why not start tomorrow? ' ^-...'

- ! suppose we couid go to the hospital right after breakfast. .' :

- Shall we make it at 10 o'clock9 .,,, ....,

- I suggest we start at 9:00 so that we ccu'd see more. ■: '■■.■■,

- it's okay with me. ■ ■

- What about a cup of coffee? -■ ■ ■ , -.;.-.■

. ■ . • ' -30- :

- That would be great!

Exercise 2. Make the sentences according to the models. Model 1.

She doesn't speak English . (get an interpreter)'

■'. —> Why doesn't she get an interpreter?

• I will be late for the meeting , (take a taxi)

• I don't know his telephone number (ask Peter)

• I'm hot. •..-f ■ (take off your coat).

• She'd like to see the new musical. (ask Richard to get tickets).

Model 2.

a cup of coffee - How (What) about a cup of coffee?

• a drive to the country • a visit to the movies

• having lunch in the office canteen • a smoke

• going to Washington for the weekend.


Мне не хочется.

Не хочу.

Лучше не надо.

Мне(это) обязательно?

(ЭТч) I 'Jf'i С'ОГ|ЗЙ|''?ЛЬНО?

H Exercise 3. Listen and repeat.

- Are we going to see some more pictures?

- I guess not, I don't feel like it.

- Why don't we go to the movies tor.iyhf?

- No, I don't want to. „■ '

- I suppose we could visit David in hie office and havi lurM#l; t©8etj)*r.

- i'd rather not. .-.'..■


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